just to be clear you can't consider yourself off the grid with a bank account lol
cash only baby
Wym? Like deleting all socials and s***?
this response is a beautiful sign of the times
anywho, yeah i would and probably will for at least a little bit of my life. not now tho, too young, too not rich
Who are you kidding
Who are you lying to
Know if they want you, best believe they will find you
I do it all the time, it’s very possible lmao
Lol tbh
I def want to do this but i wanna be rich so i can be in places like thailand and own land there
I used to go to off the grids all the time when they first started in oak/Berk area
Other than that some ppl think im still in my birth country unless my stupid parents told everyone my business 🤬🤬😡😡🙄
yea my bad i should've been more specific
like no social media, no smart phone, no credit cards, just no way to know you exist
move to some remote area and just live
I actually did that not the credit card tho
I’ve been thinking for the last few years of what country I‘d disappear to and how I’d do it if I ever became some wanted criminal mastermind.
Gotta be prepared.
i would prob chill in Chiang Mai.