Just got hired for the Deli clerk position and heard it was hell. Please tell me it ain't so
i did
ended up getting a record deal right after and developed a working relationship with one of my idols too
lost my leg tho
i did
ended up getting a record deal right after and developed a working relationship with one of my idols too
lost my leg tho
Your sacrifice won't be forgotten
Album still slaps
i did
ended up getting a record deal right after and developed a working relationship with one of my idols too
lost my leg tho
Please drop your new s***
Just got hired for the Deli clerk position and heard it was hell. Please tell me it ain't so
It was hell but the pay is fire
i did
ended up getting a record deal right after and developed a working relationship with one of my idols too
lost my leg tho
You foul for dat
Fam we was making $12 starting when I left
Your sacrifice won't be forgotten
Album still slaps
Link me the album
Link me the album
Bruh, hes just pretending to be Quentin because he used to work at publix
album is iyrtitl
Bruh, hes just pretending to be Quentin because he used to work at publix
album is iyrtitl
F*** im stupid
It was hell but the pay is fire
How "hellish" we talking? Like stressful at times but manageable hell, or I'm going to duff the next person who look at me wrong hell?
How "hellish" we talking? Like stressful at times but manageable hell, or I'm going to duff the next person who look at me wrong hell?
How can you handle long lines of demanding customers for hours on end?
How can you handle long lines of demanding customers for hours on end?
Im only getting 15-20 hours and I'm going to be working afternoon's. Tbh I don't really give af how demanding some fat boomer is I just want to get paid. The only worrying thing that I've heard is that the training is s***.
Op you gunna hook it up with the chicken tender sub?
Lol op be ready to whip those up until you clock out
Im only getting 15-20 hours and I'm going to be working afternoon's. Tbh I don't really give af how demanding some fat boomer is I just want to get paid. The only worrying thing that I've heard is that the training is s***.
Idk it depends I used to work 8 1/2 - 9 hour shifts at the busiest deli in the south