  • Kenig 💭
    Jan 14, 2022
    1 reply

    *not all European churches started off as white but yea my world history is off bro. It’s all love though. History is a rabbit hole not worth discussing atm.

    It would be appreciated if you can provide the verses to support your statements. That’s how we all know what’s right n wrong.

    And now to get out of this mess you created you misinterpret my statement I said your views align with your much so hated white european church not that there wasnt other churches.

  • Jan 14, 2022
    1 reply
    No Color

    I understand this perspective, but it really doesn’t answer the main question I had about you personally. I’ll rephrase it to, if the Bible itself, original texts, were proven false, lets say by the Higher Power itself, how would you feel?

    If you aren’t comfortable with that hypothetical thats fine and understandable though.

    That’s an amazing question and is tough to answer from a personal perspective based on spiritual experiences God has allowed me to be apart of. OBEs, visions, being warned of events b4 they happen etc.

    Removing myself from the equation, we’d have to view the Sumerians as having it “right.” With that, what they practiced the world during their time, the world still believes in today. Modern religions.

    One can trace all of these belief systems back to Ancient Sumer aka Ancient Babel when Nimrod/Gilgamesh ran the world.

    It’s tough to personally answer because then you’re removing Historical elements bro. For instance the Hasmonean dynasty vs Antiochus Epiphanies or the siege on Jerusalem. Then you’d have to question Rome & their existence. If the Siege of Jerusalem actually didn’t happen in 70ad, then what are these artifacts and historical writings really speaking about.

    The same can be said about Israel’s presence in Ancient Egypt, Babylon and Persia.

  • Jan 14, 2022

    And now to get out of this mess you created you misinterpret my statement I said your views align with your much so hated white european church not that there wasnt other churches.

    It would be appreciated if you can provide the verses to support your statements. That’s how we all know what’s right n wrong.

  • Jan 14, 2022

    That’s an amazing question and is tough to answer from a personal perspective based on spiritual experiences God has allowed me to be apart of. OBEs, visions, being warned of events b4 they happen etc.

    Removing myself from the equation, we’d have to view the Sumerians as having it “right.” With that, what they practiced the world during their time, the world still believes in today. Modern religions.

    One can trace all of these belief systems back to Ancient Sumer aka Ancient Babel when Nimrod/Gilgamesh ran the world.

    It’s tough to personally answer because then you’re removing Historical elements bro. For instance the Hasmonean dynasty vs Antiochus Epiphanies or the siege on Jerusalem. Then you’d have to question Rome & their existence. If the Siege of Jerusalem actually didn’t happen in 70ad, then what are these artifacts and historical writings really speaking about.

    The same can be said about Israel’s presence in Ancient Egypt, Babylon and Persia.

    See but isnt that the most amazing part about hypotheticals like this? You’re allowed to remove and replace the context around yourself. In this situation I’d imagine we’d get all the answers to what those very artifacts and writings were about and so on

    Try to set historical elements aside

    As far as spiritual experiences I’ll agree that its extremely hard to separate myself from the ones I’ve had when entertaining thoughts like this, but it makes for some interesting reflection on my rawest, unfiltered feelings on the matter

    I guess what I’m interested in is your direct relationship with God without influence of the Bible or the history in which you preach a lot on here. But again I agree that is tough to break down on the spot and very personal

  • Jan 14, 2022
    No Color

    I understand this perspective, but it really doesn’t answer the main question I had about you personally. I’ll rephrase it to, if the Bible itself, original texts, were proven false, lets say by the Higher Power itself, how would you feel?

    If you aren’t comfortable with that hypothetical thats fine and understandable though.

    To simply answer your question... if there was irrefutable evidence, then we'd all know the truth. Rather people accept it or not, that's up to them. Until then, I'm rocking with these prophecies and faith because so far it's 10/10.

    Understanding the 70 nations post flood and studying prophecies is key.

  • Jan 14, 2022

    It's actually not there's nothing less natural than bigotry, u don't come to life as a racist, humans are naturally inclined to living in communities and the genetical diversity has to be maintained for the survival of humankind, so no bigotry is totally not part of the natural order of things

    if humans do it, it's natural. we are a part of nature too

    you don't come into life as a racist, but humans have the predisposition towards us vs them tribalism. this leads to bigotry. What is "us" and what is "them" depends largely on your environment growing up, but the wiring underneath is the same

    straight vs non-straight
    white vs black
    left vs right
    upper class vs working class
    rich vs poor
    christian vs jewish
    german vs jewish
    woke vs based

    if you grow up without real, repeated, friendly exposure to other races, it's very easy to develop a racist attitude, whereas people who grow up in melting pots tend to see all races as equal, but develop a bigotry towards some other trait. the "us" may instead be their country, their religion, their politics, their language, or their class

    also, the communities humans have lived in for most of their evolutionary history have been small, like ~100 people, and everyone was cousins. you can have kids with family members as close as first cousins without any genetic issues

    and all you have to do is look at human history to see that tribalism and "us vs them" has been around forever. we're a vicious, war-like species, capable of large-scale cooperation as long as we all feel we're on the same team. that's what led to our survival as a species