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  • Feb 16, 2020


  • Feb 16, 2020
    1 reply

    goat girl and angel

    First time I've ever posted someone's avi since I joined KTT 5 years ago, congrats Your post got me deep in thought like Emma is tho, like how can you say that? Some people hate an artist purely because of their acclaim? I really don't think you could say Beatles's music is overhated though, they're one of the most beloved artists of all time. We're talking about their music on a hip hop forum like 50 years later ffs

  • Feb 16, 2020
    BlueChew Sean

    First time I've ever posted someone's avi since I joined KTT 5 years ago, congrats Your post got me deep in thought like Emma is tho, like how can you say that? Some people hate an artist purely because of their acclaim? I really don't think you could say Beatles's music is overhated though, they're one of the most beloved artists of all time. We're talking about their music on a hip hop forum like 50 years later ffs

    Overhated is a stretch, no doubt. But from my experience there is a correlation between artists amassing fans and haters at the same time. I've been discussing the Beatles over the years and there definitely is an anti-Beatles formation who are fed up with the praise they're getting. The "Beatles are overrated" movement was a thing for a while (and still is), ofc it's fading overtime but many of these people are going overboard with their disapproval. However, I'm more talking about people who actually listen to music and are ready to talk about music intellecutally. Most of the people on here hating on the Beatles are just trolls or ignorant morons who haven't listened to their s***, they might not even count as serious haters but there are a lot of those too.

  • Feb 16, 2020

    never heard of em

  • Feb 16, 2020

    Beatles have amazing music. I bought into the “beatles are trash” meme when i was younger and now that i’m a bit older and sat with their music they have some excellent works.

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