There is a thread that shows you how to get 6 months free. You just gotta make an account with Lincoln, and register through them. Valid until end of December.
why not get 1 month free?
i dont think you even have to enter card details to get the trial
u can use a different email every time and log in with the same paypal
You could probably still exploit that same easy email exploit for the infinite free trial if you really wanted to
yea i got you op
my email is
password is mucus316
You could probably still exploit that same easy email exploit for the infinite free trial if you really wanted to
I was half joking cus idk if it still works, but 3ish years ago you used to be able to just change one character of your email and keep renewing it or something. And then here was the Sprint promo exploit where you could get 6 months free so those combined people were abusing that