Flew off my bike face first on to the road yesterday evening and the left side of my face got the worst of it.
Question is, I sustained an abrasion under my beard, how should go about treating it? I cleaned it with saline and applied neosporin, but there’s still like a white film that has build on it.
Is it safe to assume this is just the cell response and not an infection(the injury occurred less than 24 hrs ago)?
I think It needs air to heal , like if the wound is wet... yikes
maybe better see a doctor bro
Muricans man..
you cant go to a doctor? why you asking ktt
doctors charging like $300 co pay for video appts
Go seek medical assistance from a professional
they only doing video appts unless u are actually dying
If you disinfected that s*** then let it scab up tbh.
Wtf is this bro
ion kno bro I just wanted to see dat s***!
i guess if there's no discharge of fluid or pus, then there's probably no infection. if the abrasion doesn't scab up maybe wash it regularly and put some kind of bandaid on it to protect it from infection or dirt
ion kno bro I just wanted to see dat s***!
i guess if there's no discharge of fluid or pus, then there's probably no infection. if the abrasion doesn't scab up maybe wash it regularly and put some kind of bandaid on it to protect it from infection or dirt
this prolly the most minor one tbh, I jus wanna know what the layer of goop is
Wtf is this bro
You lost a layer of skin? Or were you actually cut? New skin can come in discolored.