USA mfs will get pre-emotive chemotherapy vs just living a healthy lifestyle im crine
ya taking advantages of the miracle that is modern medicine is sooooo stupid
Why not invest in vitamins/antioxidants, sunscreen, and other s*** to prevent and better your chances
y do that lame s*** when I could do 9 months of chemo
i'd assume when the cancer cells are dead
i've heard most people do it for about 6-9 months depending on how many cells are available
i've also heard that it's good to do it once a decade to make sure they don't form again
Thanks this is mind blowing
I’m really stupid and not a doctor but I swear chemo seemed to be even harder on my loved ones than the actual cancer
Thats because it destroys your muscles, other cells & makes you extremely sick. The muscular damage is almost never "healed".
Its the last case scenario of using something harmful to stop something even more harmful.
Chemo isnt even the first choice/treatment/procedure that doctors do for cancer, its the extreme n last option but ppl on tiktok wanna do it willingly n the first step apparently
I can’t say for sure, it seems to make some people so weak that their body just starts shutting down. Lowkey seemed to accelerate death in my experience but I may be being stupid
Yeah its not great but it's a lifesaving treatment
when a no avi mf posts yours its really just more embarrassing for them
u wish u had what i had
Bro this section is brain dead
Don’t you see that we’re trying to find a solution TO PREVENT. Our brains are as active as it gets. You guys always want to heal the wound but never even think about preventing it. Sigh
ya taking advantages of the miracle that is modern medicine is sooooo stupid
oh brother.....
Why not invest in vitamins/antioxidants, sunscreen, and other s*** to prevent and better your chances
my understanding is it's basically the same idea but on a more effective scale
So how does this align with preemptive chemo for someone who has no signs/potential of cancer at all? Just a full body blast of radiation in all areas? I’m struggling to see how this would work and not heavily f*** up your body/immune system with no real benefit
Essentially yes, the potentially dangerous cells are treated simultaneously
Why not invest in vitamins/antioxidants, sunscreen, and other s*** to prevent and better your chances
Ever heard of Steve Jobs?
riley and p**** just instaliking each others posts is hilarious
riley and p**** just instaliking each others posts is hilarious
I can't like posts
I can't like posts
what having pre-cancer does to a mf
when a no avi mf posts yours its really just more embarrassing for them
u wish u had what i had
Ah you think your avy is your ally? You merely adopted your avy. I was born with it, molded by it. I didn't see an avy until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!
Ah you think your avy is your ally? You merely adopted your avy. I was born with it, molded by it. I didn't see an avy until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!
bro shut up
I'm getting treatment for chronic headaches near 30 days a month no way I'm getting chemotherapy for some hypothetical cancer
Why not invest in vitamins/antioxidants, sunscreen, and other s*** to prevent and better your chances
can you ingest sunscreen? asking for a friend, cheers