  • I really just wake up, work, do the same s*** (tv, video games, phone). I work out semi regularly but more for general health than for an actual goal. I don't really have a goal in my next 5 years. I just want to be happy but then being happy itself is not a goal.

  • Jan 21
    5 replies

    Being happy is certainly a goal

  • Well, you identified the problem right there - set some goals


    Being happy is certainly a goal

  • Jan 21
    2 replies

    Being happy and feeling purpose in your life or a billion dollars for forever emptiness


    Being happy and feeling purpose in your life or a billion dollars for forever emptiness

    The balance between making money and lifestyle. But if u dont know what lifestyle u want, what else can u do but focus on money?


    Being happy and feeling purpose in your life or a billion dollars for forever emptiness

    I'd take the second option even if it was 50 million
    I'm really broke

  • Jan 21
    1 reply

    What are you going to do when climate change hits?

  • Jan 21
    2 replies

    Being happy is certainly a goal

    Not really. It's basically implied. Who wouldn't want to be happy

  • Killah ⚔️
    Jan 21

    That’s cuz ur on autopilot

  • internet buddy

    What are you going to do when climate change hits?

    Prolly just sit and chill with the homies lol Im built different

  • Me

  • Jan 21
    1 reply

    study marxism, overthrow capitalism

  • goodkid mAAdposter

    I really just wake up, work, do the same s*** (tv, video games, phone). I work out semi regularly but more for general health than for an actual goal. I don't really have a goal in my next 5 years. I just want to be happy but then being happy itself is not a goal.

    1. Pick up a skill. Preferably something cheap you can share online to a group of your peers

    2. Learn a language. Find a way to get Pimsleur without paying. Use premade Anki cards to train vocabulary.

    3. Force yourself to engage in communities like the first. If you play video games, get active about it. You watch sports and engage in fantasy s***. Make that your thing. Share your hobbies with us. You're online man, take advantage of it.

    4. Don't be to hard on yourself. Life is hard and take everything day by day.

  • Jan 21



    Being happy is certainly a goal

  • Jan 21
    2 replies
    goodkid mAAdposter

    Not really. It's basically implied. Who wouldn't want to be happy

    i know people that are very very wealthy and looked up one day and realized all they had was money and no close connections or hobbies or things they love aside from money and status. that might be the lowest self worth ive ever seen someone have tbh

  • Jan 21
    1 reply

    @Gyro thread made for you

  • Jan 21


  • vayla

    @Gyro thread made for you

    Life’s great kid try again

  • Jan 21

    wife god military pick 1 or 2

  • Jan 21
    1 reply

    If you feel like this, you could benefit society by turning into Luigi

    You have little to lose and much to gain


    Being happy is certainly a goal