Don’t even bother none of it is good
u got all hot and flustered seeing this didn’t u
I feel you. I don’t really search too hard these days cause I’m caught up in life, but sometimes I’ll get in the mood to dive into some s*** and that’s always fun
Otherwise, I try to keep discovery organic. It’s easier that way I think
Man. It’s a tough balance. Trying to dig, work, have a social life, and somewhat try to tap into my creative passion(s)
But yeah I’m gonna try letting the new s*** come to me. I gotta remind myself s*** isn’t a race out here lol
u just gotta take it at your own pace and not feel pressured
we bombarded with too much stuff/information, its impossible to digest it all
I stopped giving a f*** about s*** like keeping up in 2018.
The real gems rn are unknown and obscure SoundCloud artist imo
I haven’t tapped into SoundCloud in so long lmaooo s*** crazy
yeah not so much discovering but just keeping up with new releases in general. there's like 5-10 notable albums a week to listen to if you're into various genres it's a love hate thing for sure
Definitely a blessing and a curse in digging
the album is very enjoyable
i just peeped it last night, highly recommend
also i discovered a new band yesterday thanks to the goat @proper
!’m rocking with this s*** heavy, hopefully you enjoy it as well
Def gonna tap in, appreciate the recommendation bro
Yeah, every Friday there’s always 5 new projects + plethora of singles to listen to. Been trying to find a balance of catching up on all the latest drops + find time for the projects and songs I’ve enjoyed from this year + old music
Right. You look away for literally one sec and there’s a release coming at you, it bothers me man lol sometimes I be wanting to feel nostalgic
u got all hot and flustered seeing this didn’t u
Gonna eat them cheeks out on the spot idc who watches
I used to but not as much anymore. 2022 being a letdown of a year was kind of a catalyst for that but also just don't have time anymore to listen to music obsessively
Gonna eat them cheeks out on the spot idc who watches
i love that u are unapologetically urself
eat them cracker cheeks my brother
I used to but not as much anymore. 2022 being a letdown of a year was kind of a catalyst for that but also just don't have time anymore to listen to music obsessively
Bro no way you think 2022 was a letdown lol
This probably the best year in music in a long while. Everything is out there. Quarantine was a blessing lowkey in the aspect of ppl being caged in. Nothing else to do but make some hot s***