i feel like women will never truly love me because of my height. im only 5'6''. how do you deal with this cruel reality?
but that’s not true i’ve seen teenie ass dudes shorter than their spouse
@op get buff and your height will matter significantly less
@op get buff and your height will matter significantly less
hmm i might look like a pitbull if i get jacked though damn
get off the internet not all women hate short guys
yes man 192cm sadly didn't make the NBA and i just give up with the women now
i think 190-195 is the grey area though
get off the internet not all women hate short guys
unironically tho, that s*** is overhyped
Just carry yourself like a normal nigga and you'll be fine.
Plenty of short friends that get play and live life to the fullest.
Height ain't everything.
I thought j was 5'9 to find out im really only 5'8 which kind of sucked but im over it now
5'6 isn't so horrible though
I have friends nearly a foot shorter than me and they have girlfriends and I’m here on KTT
heard if u make poison ivy juice you'll grow 5 inches
name to post ratio going completely crazy rn
hmm i might look like a pitbull if i get jacked though damn