@Fundamentals @YASKO @yasiinbey tap in medium bros.
got told i wasnt that tall by a 4ft11 ting im over 6ft
these hoes be buggin short kings stand up though if i was to start internet dating would put 5ft6 n proud in the bio just to weed out the body shamers
Tall niggas so insecure they gotta rush the thread to let everyone know they’re height
op won
I slick think some tall girls have a short dude kink cause I definitely don’t get a lot of tall girls being 6’6. The tallest I’ve
ever dated was like 5’10, but my average is 5’6-5’7. Wish I could get a tall girl so shout out to you @Op
No but my whole life I thought I was 5’11 but I’m actually 5’9 1/2 so I’m kinda sad. If girls ask I’m still 5’11 tho
Stg i could tell these 5 foot hoes im 6'9" and they would believe me
Short guys can have it tough sometimes but it's made 100x worse if you develop an complex about it and start calling yourself a "manlet"
Short guys can have it tough sometimes but it's made 100x worse if you develop an complex about it and start calling yourself a "manlet"
Nah u gotta fully embrace all negative labels and turn them into a positive. IMO
Who says i dont
We don’t talk like them man we’re short kings and proud
Nah u gotta fully embrace all negative labels and turn them into a positive. IMO
doesn‘t work all the time. Don‘t call urself a manlet king
I’m gonna be honest, I feel like all the 6 foot plus dudes posting in here are being a little ableist.