Main thing I miss about childhood is having no anxiety what so ever... Truly don't know what turned me to be so self conscious
I miss moments, I know thats kinda dumb bc the moments are what makes it the childhood but nah f*** childhood.
Being an adult is a heavy responsibility but the freedom is amazing. Yes, it can be hard but to me its not worth going back to being a kid. Im getting to know myself, im exploring and s***. I feel like dora but wit a d***
oh nah I got f***ed up
when I'd be 6-12 years old older people on my street or just in general blocks would hit in back of the head or just straight up jump and f*** me up
gotta earn ur stripes somehow
Main thing I miss about childhood is having no anxiety what so ever... Truly don't know what turned me to be so self conscious
I actually have less anxiety as an adult
i miss not being introduced to the concept of time yet.
everything was just one moment to the next, time never played a part in it ,at least not consciously
I can literally buy anything i want to get and no one can tell me s***
Couldn't do s*** as a kid
If i wanna see if i can eat a gallon of ice cream in 1 night i can f***ing try
F*** no, growing up in a rural christian fundamentalist area with barely any other kids around was the most boring s***. Honestly cant remember being happy or fulfilled as a child that whole timespan is just blurry to me.
Yeah but if you spend your time focusing on the past you won’t get to enjoy what’s going on currently. I enjoy my 20s and I’ll be able to enjoy a second childhood through my future kids
i miss my neighborhood friends and the good memories but i had a really bad dad so i'm actually a lot happier as an adult now