i was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder when i was in my teens. i actually dont mind at all. i don't have much trouble functioning in society other than that i tend to piss people off because i dont conform to certain social norms, like being polite and s***. i also tend to get obsessed with things im interested in. technically im on the high functioning side of autism aka ass burgers
Did u ever do aba
no, it isnt severe enough to warrent any kind of therapy or intervention
Being autistic isn’t an excuse for being a d***
being ed isnt an excuse for being stupid
It’s not cool to be an a****** and use your diagnosis to justify it.
usually yeah
I never been diagnosed but I lowkey might be on the spectrum
real one detected
i don’t like going into detail about it
i don’t like going into detail about it
would you consider going into detail about it for the purposes of this thread
well if my brain is literally wired differently than other people's, i can't necessarily control how this manifests itself in day to day life
it's like saying to somoene with severe clinical depression "you shouldn't use excuse your depression as an excuse for being lazy and feeling bad about yourself"
would you consider going into detail about it for the purposes of this thread
what do you want to know
what do you want to know
how does it impact you in your day to day life if at all
well if my brain is literally wired differently than other people's, i can't necessarily control how this manifests itself in day to day life
it's like saying to somoene with severe clinical depression "you shouldn't use excuse your depression as an excuse for being lazy and feeling bad about yourself"
What does being rude on purpose have to do with being wired differently? I understand if sometimes you do things unconsciously and may not even notice it or not understand certain social cues but you say you go out of your way because you don’t follow social cues.
And there’s a difference in “being lazy and feeling bad about yourself” than what you stated.
What does being rude on purpose have to do with being wired differently? I understand if sometimes you do things unconsciously and may not even notice it or not understand certain social cues but you say you go out of your way because you don’t follow social cues.
And there’s a difference in “being lazy and feeling bad about yourself” than what you stated.
what you talking about man? when did i say i do it on purpose or go out of my way to do it
weird post