  • Nov 22, 2019

    The Moon isn’t visible in my city rn. All the normal stars and constellations are seen but there’s no moon.

    Anyone else seeing this?

  • Nov 22, 2019


  • Nov 22, 2019
    2 replies

    You sure your clock says PM and not AM?

  • Nov 22, 2019
    1 reply

    I see an eye staring at me

  • Nov 22, 2019

    @StWest @Thizz

    There aren’t any clouds either. It’s just sky, stars and no moon.

    I’m on The West Coast.

  • Nov 22, 2019

    I see an eye staring at me

  • Nov 22, 2019

    You can't see it, because its closer than you think

  • Nov 22, 2019
    1 reply

  • Nov 22, 2019

  • Nov 22, 2019
    1 reply

    It happens all the time

    Do Americans believe the moon only appears at night? How do think Solar eclipses happen if the moon is on such a tight schedule?

  • Nov 22, 2019
    1 reply

    It happens all the time

    Do Americans believe the moon only appears at night? How do think Solar eclipses happen if the moon is on such a tight schedule?

    Bro, it’s been mia from 7pm-2am

  • Nov 22, 2019
    1 reply

    Bro, it’s been mia from 7pm-2am

    So? Let it have a day off in America

  • Nov 22, 2019
    1 reply

    So? Let it have a day off in America

    I find it weird the news isn’t talking about it.

  • Nov 22, 2019
    1 reply

    I find it weird the news isn’t talking about it.

    Why would the news about the moon not being visible in one already of the world, it happens all the time, unless you're flat Earther than this is a non story

    Are you a flat Earther

  • Nov 22, 2019
    2 replies

    Why would the news about the moon not being visible in one already of the world, it happens all the time, unless you're flat Earther than this is a non story

    Are you a flat Earther

    Since this allegedly happens all the time, what would b the technical term for this?

  • Nov 22, 2019
    1 reply

    Since this allegedly happens all the time, what would b the technical term for this?

    The moon is somewhere else

    It's genuinely a nothing event, you don't panic when the moon isn't there during the day

  • Nov 22, 2019
    1 reply

    Bro have you ever heard of a new moon?

  • Nov 22, 2019

    Since this allegedly happens all the time, what would b the technical term for this?

    Lookup moonrise for your city

  • Nov 22, 2019

    Bro have you ever heard of a new moon?

    Yea it’s when the moon man recycles the old moon out with the new moon. I’m not stoopid

    Where do u think we get MILK MAN from?

  • Nov 22, 2019
    1 reply

    Yea aight

  • Nov 22, 2019

    Yea aight

    You find the moon

  • Nov 22, 2019
    2 replies

    Not trying to be a d*** but I’m surprised that most of you guys don’t know the moons phases like what? The only time there shouldn’t be a moon is when there’s a new moon which literally means you can’t see the moon, but I just looked it up and it’s supposed to be a crescent, it’s not normal for the moon not to be there and it’s no “just somewhere else” like what lmfao

  • Nov 22, 2019

    You sure your clock says PM and not AM?

  • Nov 23, 2019

    Not trying to be a d*** but I’m surprised that most of you guys don’t know the moons phases like what? The only time there shouldn’t be a moon is when there’s a new moon which literally means you can’t see the moon, but I just looked it up and it’s supposed to be a crescent, it’s not normal for the moon not to be there and it’s no “just somewhere else” like what lmfao

    Ofc the moon cycle exists, yet it’s one of those things I haven’t noticed nor cared to noticed the absence of the new moon.

    It’s back. I think