It can be from google I just don’t know what you mean
its the white thing at the base of your nails
I just checked mine and they’re gone is this an age thing
You got vertical lines on your nails?
Only my pinkies seem to be fading out
You got vertical lines on your nails?
Sometimes you may only be able to see lunula on your thumbs or not at all. It may be hidden under your skin. But an absent lunula can also occur with certain health conditions and cause other symptoms.
Fingernail moons are the rounded shadows at the base of your nails. A fingernail moon is also called a lunula, which is Latin for little moon. The place where each nail begins growing is known as the matrix. This is where the new cells are made that will make up the nail. The lunula is part of the matrix.
You got vertical lines on your nails?
I got almost all of mine gone
I can't believe they took my f***ing lunula's man
cant have s*** in detroit
You got vertical lines on your nails?
Nice finger, man.
Short ‘n thick does the trick; long and thin too far in
Short ‘n thick does the trick; long and thin too far in
@Danny Thoughts?
Yeah I remember when I was younger my cousins would say they had there’s taken off and thinking about it seems brutal
doesnt hurt at all literally painless
im on here checking details of my fingers
this s*** dumb
answer tho: no never really had them
Hello: I am a licensed nail technician, the half moon is actually just a reflection of your nail bed and isn’t “technically” a real part of your nail bed- it’s called a lunula and if it is no longer visible it’s not a bad thing or an indication of anything wrong with your nails. If your lunulae suddenly disappear on multiple nails, especially if accompanied by other nail changes like discoloration, pitting, or unusual ridging, then you should be concerned. With you mentioning health issues I would be more concerned by the other symptoms listed if you are displaying those as well.
Hope this helps!