Just cop a used mac. Way easier
"way easier"
Yeah, because buying computer parts is difficult. Hackintosh is a piece of cake.
i have built a couple of them over the years
tonymac is very helpful
"way easier"
Yeah, because buying computer parts is difficult. Hackintosh is a piece of cake.
yeah i built my first hackintosh in the leopard days
it was such a cluster f*** took me days
these days there are setup apps that do all the work for you if you buy the right hardware, so simple now
I've been thinking about it because i have 9700k and rx5700 but... what do i really need mac for
I've been thinking about it because i have 9700k and rx5700 but... what do i really need mac for
to brag online about being an apple consumer of course.
Way more expensive too
yeah you can build a hackintosh for $1200 as fast as a $10k mac pro lol
it will also run games in windows better