This man said he about to get a great degree and be rich
Man if u was as cool as you said u wouldve failed /dropped out of hs
Right. Cool niggas dont study
bruh i only watch 1 or two animes a yr lol smh
But Bleach is top tier i give it my seal of approval, i only like dope things
You know they’re gonna clown you as soon as they find this thread right?
Op it’s ok to feel yourself, i’m sure you’re a great guy but this is a little too much, instead of a whole thread about this you could have kept it as a post on a different thread. Now people are going to clown you, but i’m sure you didn’t make this to brag, but it can seem like that.
Ye i couldve been more concise
O well
yeah i think it's a matter of perspective. it's like... kanye locked himself in a closet and made beats for so long. he got in a car accident due to sleep deprivation from being in the studio too long, but he survived it and made it to the top. that's remarkable and if he wants to call himself the greatest, I think he should be able to talk his s***. I get where you're coming from tho
yeah I was thinking about kanye while reading this thread.
I think with him it’s a little different bc he’s gotten so much acclaim and people call him a genius all the time. so it’s easier to get away with the egomania.
like kanye has proven that he’s different. If OP showed me some genius art or proved some new physics theory I’d be more willing to give a pass
Anime avi
And this mf talks about coolness
You def a nerd
You’ll never be drake
beach house
Top tier band discovered them when I was 13
What 13 yr old listens to that??? Just off that yk im top tier
You know they’re gonna clown you as soon as they find this thread right?
Why not? Most ppl dont even believe in themselves
I just don’t think anything good comes from looking down on people
yeah I was thinking about kanye while reading this thread.
I think with him it’s a little different bc he’s gotten so much acclaim and people call him a genius all the time. so it’s easier to get away with the egomania.
like kanye has proven that he’s different. If OP showed me some genius art or proved some new physics theory I’d be more willing to give a pass
Ill send you my moving script when its done
I just don’t think anything good comes from looking down on people
If sby dont respect themselve im not going out of my way and respect them
Like i dont waste my time on low energy ppl like that
I remember when i was 8 my dad would play classical music and id just sit there absorbing it all and get emotional, standing there with tears in my eyes just bathing in the sounds
At 8 years old!!!
Im obsessive at things but it makes me good at everything i take interest im
yeah I was thinking about kanye while reading this thread.
I think with him it’s a little different bc he’s gotten so much acclaim and people call him a genius all the time. so it’s easier to get away with the egomania.
like kanye has proven that he’s different. If OP showed me some genius art or proved some new physics theory I’d be more willing to give a pass
yeah but ye was telling everybody he was gonna be a star before he got a record deal/produced for jay z. I think OP has the mindset, he just needs to put in the work to back it up
I remember when i was 8 my dad would play classical music and id just sit there absorbing it all and get emotional, standing there with tears in my eyes just bathing in the sounds
At 8 years old!!!
Im obsessive at things but it makes me good at everything i take interest im
Everyone starts out like that tho
But most ppl get lost when they get older
Dont let anyone or anything kill your drive ever
the thing is most ppl wont even try s*** , so do you, better to try and fail then never do and live with regret
yeah but ye was telling everybody he was gonna be a star before he got a record deal/produced for jay z. I think OP has the mindset, he just needs to put in the work to back it up
And even in fashion. He told everyone the same s*** before even releasing a piece of clothing or yeezy shoes that he would be successful in that field
And even in fashion. He told everyone the same s*** before even releasing a piece of clothing or yeezy shoes that he would be successful in that field
Now he will be president , wow