With the Kanye feature? I been lookin for it but I can't find it without tags so if someone has a really good version of it that'd be awesome. I had it before but my sister f***ed up my external harddrive with all my gems on it.... Please help a brotha out
With the Kanye feature? I been lookin for it but I can't find it without tags so if someone has a really good version of it that'd be awesome. I had it before but my sister f***ed up my external harddrive with all my gems on it.... Please help a brotha out
It's on YT Kanye west archives hold on
It's on YT Kanye west archives hold on
Didn't know that was a thing that existed. Damn thank you
Didn't know that was a thing that existed. Damn thank you
The actually f***ing deleted the channel smfh it had soany rare performances and videos smfh. Pretty sure it got deleted in the last couple of days too cause I was listening to too bad I have to destroy you Ft Kanye the other day
I found the track for you tho
The actually f***ing deleted the channel smfh it had soany rare performances and videos smfh. Pretty sure it got deleted in the last couple of days too cause I was listening to too bad I have to destroy you Ft Kanye the other day
I found the track for you tho
!https://youtu.be/IcKUrXnPPZ0Damn man. That timing. Thank you for helping me out Pleighboi. You a real one
Damn man. That timing. Thank you for helping me out Pleighboi. You a real one
Something f***ing told me to download all his videos too
Something f***ing told me to download all his videos too
Damn bless their heart. Hopefully someone will make that channel again. Then again YouTube goin to s*** rn with their bullshit
The actually f***ing deleted the channel smfh it had soany rare performances and videos smfh. Pretty sure it got deleted in the last couple of days too cause I was listening to too bad I have to destroy you Ft Kanye the other day
I found the track for you tho