To be honest with you I was for a long time and I didn’t wear a mask because I literally never get sick and I work in a hospital already so I’ve probably been exposed to a lot.
I only wear a mask for compliance purposes now. And that’s because it’s mandatory to wear it inside at my job.
If you think a mask is gonna keep you from getting a worldwide virus, then that’s great. I know way too many people over paranoid who followed everything and still got it.
I mean do they live alone? Most of it is from house spread
Fauci himself said unless the mask is KN95 grade then its pretty much useless
And he lied
It’s useless for keeping the germs from getting to you. Wearing a mask still helps trap your nasty germs so others don’t breathe it in. It’s more about caring about the next person than it is about you.
Masks are like seatbelts. Not always going to safe you but it does a great job of cutting down the risks.
the disclaimer killed half the charm of this post
Very true. But I didn’t want to wake up to a bunch of morons thinking I’m serious
Being an anti masker is the stupidest thing on the planet you should get a green light to punch anyone you see without one in the face for being a moron
not even gonna read rest of the thread
I really don't get the anti masker movement. My cousins were out there partying like idiots without a mask new years. My uncle passed away of covid just 3 months ago and my aunt still lives with them. F*** them.
anti maskers can burn in hell
if you don’t want to take the vaccine you’re no better just another public health liability especially if you feed into the red pilled bullshit going around about it
Bro you know you can still pass on the virus even with the vaccine it just surpresses the symptons
Nobody besides you think's a mask is going to stop you from getting coronavirus LOL
Okay cool
I mean do they live alone? Most of it is from house spread
Different circumstances but of course. I just think it’s annoying how masks are being pushed as the solution.
I already took the vaccine tho
I don’t necessarily know if they make any appreciable difference but I wear one because it just makes sense and it’s hardly an inconvenience
A lotta y’all niggas need your asses beat, reason why we won’t ever get over this bs anytime soon