He just seems like such a cool character, and not really that popular. For film's at least. Only time I ever seen him in a movie was a fantastic four one, and he was the only good parts of it.
I'd like to see a movie with him in the lead role and whatever story they could come up with. Something with Galactus I guess.
Can see the potential. Wouldn't mind bringing Fishburne back too
Idk if you know this @op but Julia Garner is playing Shalla-Bal version of Silver Surfer in the Fantastic Four movie coming next year. Lakeith Stanfield let it slip (then deleted) that he was in talks for Silver Surfer so I think they’ll bring him in eventually
I hear good things about the old animated Silver Surfer series so there are good stories there to take from. I’d be in
I need it like I need air.
My dream Silver Surfer movie wouldnt be MCU connected though.
We should’ve gotten Tarantino’s Silver surfer movie
Word? He was gonna do a SS movie wtf lol. I needa stay tapped in more. Definitely like to see his take on something like that
Idk if you know this @op but Julia Garner is playing Shalla-Bal version of Silver Surfer in the Fantastic Four movie coming next year. Lakeith Stanfield let it slip (then deleted) that he was in talks for Silver Surfer so I think they’ll bring him in eventually
I hear good things about the old animated Silver Surfer series so there are good stories there to take from. I’d be in
Oh damn yeah I wasn't aware of none of that. But yeah it's always connected to fantastic 4. I'm not super familiar with the lore though are they like an integral part of that character(s) story. Like would a solo movie of SS and the character you named even make sense? Or do they need the fantastic 4 in their universe?
Oh damn yeah I wasn't aware of none of that. But yeah it's always connected to fantastic 4. I'm not super familiar with the lore though are they like an integral part of that character(s) story. Like would a solo movie of SS and the character you named even make sense? Or do they need the fantastic 4 in their universe?
Yeah bro Surfer has solo comic stories and even a short lived animated series from the 90s that people say is really good so plenty of storylines to adapt. It might just be expensive cause it all takes place in space lol
Oh damn yeah I wasn't aware of none of that. But yeah it's always connected to fantastic 4. I'm not super familiar with the lore though are they like an integral part of that character(s) story. Like would a solo movie of SS and the character you named even make sense? Or do they need the fantastic 4 in their universe?
fantastic four is kinda integral to his story. the things girlfriend takes him around and shows him humanity and that’s when he decides to rebel against galactus