If someone knows this s***, read my chart and I’ll tell you if it’s accurate
If someone knows this s***, read my chart and I’ll tell you if it’s accurate
What’s your date of birth
J Cole has an exalted moon and Venus
Meaning he has a sound mind, good work ethic attracts money and security and understands love
What’s your date of birth
Need to know year
Okay Imma edit this in like 1 min but
Read my chart plz my birth year is 1999, month of July
Were you born in America doing it now
Hell no just a middle class nigga
Word you’ve got an exalted moon in taurus. Meaning your moon sign couldn’t be in a better place.
You guys usually attract money.
Here’s your chart it’s great tbh
Word you’ve got an exalted moon in taurus. Meaning your moon sign couldn’t be in a better place.
You guys usually attract money.
Here’s your chart it’s great tbh
Woah thanks dawg, imma ride this high for the rest of the day.
Woah thanks dawg, imma ride this high for the rest of the day.
Bless dawg
What’s your body type? I can usually guess someone’s body type based on their moon sign
I got a Pisces rising
What’s mine say about me
What’s mine say about me
Read this summary of your sun moon combination