Do most religions ascertain God wouldn't let his creatures suffer?
Where does that view point come from?
Genuinely asking
nah, for the most part the rationalization is that all of the evil and suffering is a result of humans having free will and doing bad s*** to each other, it has nothing to do with God
it’s just a common atheist critique that one wouldn’t even ask if they actually engaged with religion above a surface level (and this is why you see me talking a lot of s*** on here)
the dharmic religions don’t even acknowledge the problem of evil because they place that wholly on humanity, versus some sort of God that is supposedly meant to design a padded playroom for its creations and make sure they never die and don’t hurt each other
that’s also not even getting into the other aspect that all of the evil and suffering is supposed to assist in one’s growth + potentially lead one to God as well, particularly the suffering aspect to an extent, that’s kinda where asceticism stems from
yeah yeah yeah, that’s why i didn’t even bother replying to you
Christian fundamentalists 🥱
i was muslim and converted for the sake of my partner. I do not know what 'fundamentalism' means in such a context but I don't think I am that. if it is a shade of the sectarian insular faith exhibited in the new world, which is not so different from any other post-theosophy theology, then I vehemently reject it.
If you need the raft you need the raft, if you don't, you don't. If you do need it, hold on to it.
nah, for the most part the rationalization is that all of the evil and suffering is a result of humans having free will and doing bad s*** to each other, it has nothing to do with God
it’s just a common atheist critique that one wouldn’t even ask if they actually engaged with religion above a surface level (and this is why you see me talking a lot of s*** on here)
the dharmic religions don’t even acknowledge the problem of evil because they place that wholly on humanity, versus some sort of God that is supposedly meant to design a padded playroom for its creations and make sure they never die and don’t hurt each other
that’s also not even getting into the other aspect that all of the evil and suffering is supposed to assist in one’s growth + potentially lead one to God as well, particularly the suffering aspect to an extent, that’s kinda where asceticism stems from
I see.
Oh yeah I was semi ascetic for a while, I miss that guy hold on.
i was muslim and converted for the sake of my partner. I do not know what 'fundamentalism' means in such a context but I don't think I am that. if it is a shade of the sectarian insular faith exhibited in the new world, which is not so different from any other post-theosophy theology, then I vehemently reject it.
If you need the raft you need the raft, if you don't, you don't. If you do need it, hold on to it.
that’s interesting, any particular sect? or you’re classical/orthodox?
the only difference between me and edumist is that i respect him and he thinks I'm braindead
the only difference between me and edumist is that i respect him and he thinks I'm braindead
Dw I can be braindead enough for all three of us
and that his coward ass ain't in ppoy
that’s interesting, any particular sect? or you’re classical/orthodox?
catholicism. Philosophically I only really read Plato and Plotinus now and some contemporary writers though only to stay 'in the world', many of Plotinus' proofs affirm the doctrine of the church (and ergo the vedanta), I don't read my eastern texts much anymore, but simply through lived practice much of my personal theology is still founded on the writings of al Sheikh al Akbar
Dw I can be braindead enough for all three of us
nah you brainalive af
”Belief in astrology is on the rise, although the reasons behind this are unclear. We tested whether individual personality traits could predict such epistemically unfounded beliefs. Data was collected for 264 participants through an anonymous online survey shared on social media.”
”We used the nine items measuring grandiose narcissism in the Short Dark Triad (SD3) to assess narcissistic traits, α = 0.72. SD3 is a widely used scale and has shown good validity and reliability (e.g., Persson et al., 2019). Participants answered the items on a Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree; 5 = strongly agree) where higher scores indicate higher levels of grandiose narcissism.”
so not only is this study not worth anything, it was done on social media that is rife with New Agers and crystal bangers, pretty cool
Agree bro, who wrote this article was certainly a Libra 😂😂
Dont want to start a sep thread for this ,so I’ll just use this since astrology is occult
does anyone agree or has at least looked into race from a Theosophical perspective? Love the theory on root races. Btw hitler took the aryan root race idea, no one ever co-signed it
Pluto in Aquarius, for the next 20 years, what does this means for us
depends how u view Aquarius tbh
imo it’s not looking good
the real value in astrology isn’t that it predicts your life cause that’s bullshit
it’s that it prompts people to think about their lives. most people don’t even bother so any kind of introspection is a plus