what's hiding under the beard?
It's not a jawline, is it
Strong jawline actually. Mostly hiding acne scars from my adolescence though
usually trimmed an inch shorter than Messi’s since i work now, but as a student, it was pretty much the length of his with the mustache trimmed
Why you trim the moustache?
I haven't shaved my beard in 4 years. I just keep it neat by using a beard trimmer every other day.
Why you trim the moustache?
it gets in my mouth when i eat & it gets crusty when i drink anything that isn’t water
My beard looks like Messi’s, but in black cause I’m Arab
Why not just line it up bro
been letting it grow out lately
was liking it til I saw it in a mirror in the sun and saw how much of the red really shows when its longer. looks brown otherwise
My beard looks like Messi’s, but in black cause I’m Arab
Wow yours is better already
I’ve been sporting a full beard since forever but I’m sick and tired of it.
Thinking of fading the sides with my fade and just have a bold goatee and mustache
Lol dudes say this and as fast as they cut it they want it back.
1 or 2 times a year I cut my beard THINKING I want a new look. Shave it and usually opt for just a goatee but usually regret it. You just want something new right now.
Tomorrow could be different. That being said I can grow a beard fairly fast so to me its just hair...
Bro this s*** is so uncomfy and itchy, it’s not even a beard just a thick ass 5 o clock shadow but i leave the house like once a week if that so motivation to shave is hard
Plus i hate shaving in general and would just get it cut off at the barbers but they’re closed till February cus theyre non essential 😒
A little. Tbh, I look better with it taken down to about 1/4”, but it’s a lot easier to just trim my s*** up a little rather than buzz it every week and clean it up.
Not trying to flex, but I have a really strong jawline/chin, so my s*** looks best when it’s just long enough to create contrast with up top, but still cropped down enough to match the natural contour of my face.