Obviously not generalising the whole population. But how did so many people from the Jamaican diaspora end up in the gangster life?
They start young and they’re not petty criminals what’s the background of it?
Are Jamaican links to the d*** trade strong?
Man’s like “what’s the connection between poverty and crime? I just can’t see it”
Obviously not generalising the whole population. But how did so many people from the Jamaican diaspora end up in the gangster life?
They start young and they’re not petty criminals what’s the background of it?
Are Jamaican links to the d*** trade strong?
Heres a documentary on it
Man’s like “what’s the connection between poverty and crime? I just can’t see it”
Stop being f***in brain dead
Africans are equally poor but don’t have the same cultural connection to the d*** game
Heres a documentary on it
!https://youtu.be/sXKKp1veafk!https://youtu.be/LmRdeH8icJwThank you bro
People who’s roots are in Jamaica.
You know what I’m trying to say anyway stop being dense
People who’s roots are in Jamaica.
You know what I’m trying to say anyway stop being dense
Does Jamaica Queens count
For background I live in the UK. The gangster culture is celebrated a lot amongst Jamaicans the most there’s a whole culture behind it. In the music etc.
I understand there’s links between poverty and crime but it’s pretty widespread amongst Jamaicans. And when the crime gets more organised I just wonder what the root of it is.
I know the gun crime in Jamaica has government ties. And America has the shower posse.
So I was wondering if it’s a geographical thing a cultural thing?
I’m intrigued cos for better or for worse the cultures influenced everyone through music and fashion. Brands like trapstar.
But when you personally experience men who’ve been trapping since their teens there’s gotta be a machine behind it.
Just wondering what it is.
KTT full of some weirdos
People who’s roots are in Jamaica.
You know what I’m trying to say anyway stop being dense
I know what you're tryna say, it's just dumb as f***. Nobody being dense.
I know what you're tryna say, it's just dumb as f***. Nobody being dense.
How is it dumb.