I used to be a sucker for earbuds several years ago, used to use them often until I got my pair of Audio Technicas. Since then, practically all the earbuds I’ve tried have had finicky fit and regardless they’re terrible for your ears. Now I only play my music through the whip most of the time and tbh I don’t even play it through my headphones as often anymore
No reason to restrict yourself from a type lol
I use wireless, wired, over ear n in ear it all depends for what & also the convenience
No reason to restrict yourself from a type lol
I use wireless, wired, over ear n in ear it all depends for what & also the convenience
It’s just I kinda hated how earbuds fit into my ears lol, but maybe I should give them another chance
earbuds feell more convenient than over ear headphones to me
but I have some studio monitors at home that I listen to music to
No I lost my AirPods and have been using earbuds since but I usually switch between airpods Earbuds or headphones
Speakers are the superior way to consume music
But it's always nice to have some earbuds
It’s just I kinda hated how earbuds fit into my ears lol, but maybe I should give them another chance
Theres different fits & tons of different size rubber inserts
Also can enevr go wrong with a 10 dollar pair of wired in ear skull candy earbuds as backups n beaters
Speakers are the superior way to consume music
But it's always nice to have some earbuds
Speakers are highkey the worst for me but I see the appeal
Theres different fits & tons of different size rubber inserts
Also can enevr go wrong with a 10 dollar pair of wired in ear skull candy earbuds as backups n beaters
Might buy one of those Sony wireless ones in the future. Bought a pair couple years ago and they sounded fantastic, but the fit was bad smh
Speakers are the superior way to consume music
But it's always nice to have some earbuds
Problem is obviously they’re inconvenient
Speakers are the superior way to consume music
But it's always nice to have some earbuds
I prefer earbuds for on the go, over ears for dedicated listening at home, especially to new s***, and speaker system for more casual/fun listening at home
Speakers are the superior way to consume music
But it's always nice to have some earbuds
yup, good headphones are great too ofc but i cant use them for hours nonstop like speakers
used some today. i was fresh asf too
AirPods Pro are super convenient for a lot of situations (ie. popping them in and out at the airport). I have some over-ears for other situations or where I'm looking for the best noise cancellation or the highest fidelity
AirPods Pro on the go.
Sony XM4 at home.
I am not wearing cans in public lmao
Better quality boi
I only use my AirPods Pro when I’m working out. Gotta keep them from falling out like every 10 min though if I’m running.