  • Based on Black Hawk Down (movie, or old game/real incident apparently)

    This has always looked intriguing but it was multiplayer of course and I'm only interested in campaign, plus it's not on consoles, though now I do have a powerful game laptop.

    Anyway apparently it's free to play on steam and the campaign dropping tomorrow or the next day is free too. I might have to hop on this. They even use the soundtrack score from the movie too it sounded like, which a reviewer thought as well.

  • I had the original game on PS2 and it was definitely one of the better modern military shooters pre-COD 4. I’m pretty interested in the new campaign. Seems more based around the film than the book/event like the original 2003 game.

  • Multiplayer beta was fun but the way they handled the ‘release’ has been so strange