Hard to blame him when he knew Kim was meeting with Meek at the Warldolf for "prison reform"
Pretty ironic in 2025
JIK era made his relationship with Kim come to an end, all for him to go back to his old self months later lmaoo
Hard to blame him when he knew Kim was meeting with Meek at the Warldolf for "prison reform"
JIK era made his relationship with Kim come to an end, all for him to go back to his old self months later lmaoo
Mental illness and erratic behavior is truly what made it come to an end. He is not the same guy from when they met
Mental illness and erratic behavior is truly what made it come to an end. He is not the same guy from when they met
Yes we know that. But it is him becoming a born again christian that put the nail in the coffin.
Yes we know that. But it is him becoming a born again christian that put the nail in the coffin.
kim was straight up eating the hype tho
Yes we know that. But it is him becoming a born again christian that put the nail in the coffin.
I sincerely doubt that. That’s revisionist history
I sincerely doubt that. That’s revisionist history
How? Have you met a born again christian? lol
How? Have you met a born again christian? lol
they’re def a lot to take but that’s not why she left
JIK era made his relationship with Kim come to an end, all for him to go back to his old self months later lmaoo
Multiple personalities for sure
hard to not watch that and cringe seeing what kanye was having his new wife wearing. just hypocritical af