  • Dec 11, 2021

    Respectfully nah

    Storm point feels like a walking sim

    Olympus has potential and I fw it but every pathway leads to the middle of the map and most matches play out similarly due to that (also they’ve barely changed this map at all except for adding vines lol)

    Overall WE seems the most well rounded to me. I agree they need to nuke fragment but aside from that it plays out nice and has good poi/ loot distribution (although I feel like past iterations of WE have been better)

    I used to hate WE too but I’ve really come around to it I just think it consistently provides the best experience compared to other maps.

    Stormpoint allows for a lot of different play styles and there’s multiple hot spots (Barometer, The Mill, Stormcatcher, Antenna) so everyone isn’t all centralized in one POI. Vertically is where it shines imo because it punishes players more for not playing strategic, knowing when to rotate because the map is so huge is important. You can’t just d*** around and jump tower to safety, you have to move smart and the map setup lets everyone funnel to the same rotation spots quicker.

    Olympus was my favorite map before SP but I agree the map setup naturally funnels everything to Hammond Labs/Turbine but imo the POI are a lot more balanced in terms of loot quality. I can come out of Power Grid, Icarus, Fight Night, Hydeopponics with decent loot with the rest of my team and still get some relatively good action before the last few circles

    World’s Edge outside of fragment is still great, but fragment really does suck up alot of the population and the strategy off drop is largely RNG based off what you get in 2 seconds. But Lava Siphon, Climatizer, Epicentef are all good spots to rotate to and still get decent action with it being a walking sim. I think once they blow up fragment and replace it entirely I’ll love this map a lot more

    Kings Canyon’s main problem is it’s way too small for tanked because you can hear engagements from two POIs away. Third parties are a lot more prevalent (good or bad thing). You can definitely tell it was designed with the earlier meta in mind.

    That’s my reasoning atleast for my map rankings. Outside of aesthetics ofc.

  • Dec 11, 2021

    Also I feel like Worlds Edge has just been in rotation for so long (it hasn’t left since it came out right?) so that may just be burnout in general. Even though I just started playing in S9 it still feels like Worlds Edge gets way more time than rhe others.

  • Dec 11, 2021
    3 replies


  • Dec 11, 2021
    1 reply


    Why is KC your first choice just curious?

  • Dec 11, 2021


    now this is it

  • Dec 11, 2021


    Olympus>>>>World's Edge>KC=Stormpoint

  • Dec 11, 2021
    1 reply

    Only thing I don’t like about stormpoint is the enemy AI in ranked

  • Dec 11, 2021

    Only thing I don’t like about stormpoint is the enemy AI in ranked

    I like them I just hate how my teammates feel obligated to engage them no matter what.

    Like there’s less than 10 squads left please don’t give away our position to the rest of the map

  • Dec 11, 2021

    Why is KC your first choice just curious?

    I like how it plays out the most and I like the drops points

  • Dec 15, 2021

    Just finished finals yesterday

    Time to grind out the rest of the BP

  • Dec 18, 2021
    1 reply

    whyam i getting dogshit matchmaking recently
    like why do i get queued up either with NO ONE
    or i get queed up with some afk f***er

  • Dec 18, 2021

    whyam i getting dogshit matchmaking recently
    like why do i get queued up either with NO ONE
    or i get queed up with some afk f***er

    been like that for 6 seasons now lmao

  • Dec 23, 2021
    1 reply

    How is this game so popular? I see 100k+ people still playing this s*** on steam

  • Dec 23, 2021

    How is this game so popular? I see 100k+ people still playing this s*** on steam

    It’s an innovative shooter, but it does have hella flaws. It still relatively compared to all other shooters on the market.

  • Dec 25, 2021
    2 replies

    This is okay..

    .. it’s just not TItanfall2

  • Dec 25, 2021
    1 reply

    This is okay..

    .. it’s just not TItanfall2

    You’re right..

    ..It’s better

  • Dec 25, 2021

    You’re right..

    ..It’s better

    Excuse me my good sir, but it seems that you’ve dropped something.. oh wait here it is, sir your Crack Pipe!

  • Dec 25, 2021
    1 reply

    This is okay..

    .. it’s just not TItanfall2

    better than both

  • Dec 25, 2021

    better than both

    Here’s yours as well

  • Dec 25, 2021

    Anyone else running into a big where the gun is not reloading?

  • Dec 25, 2021
    1 reply

    who on and can carry a brother?

  • Dec 25, 2021

    who on and can carry a brother?

    Psn kanyefanpage but I ain’t gonna carry s*** but I can promise I’ll communicate

  • Dec 25, 2021

    Okay, I don’t like Trios much, it’s alright.. but Arenas!

  • Dec 25, 2021
    1 reply

    this map they got on ranked sucks, last season map was way better

  • Dec 25, 2021
    1 reply

    this map they got on ranked sucks, last season map was way better

    Worlds edge is great when you don’t land fragment with half the lobby
