A week of storm point hell nah see y’all next week
That map needs to be deleted.
A week of storm point hell nah see y’all next week
I’ve gave this map enough chances to grow on me, fact is is that it’s sucks. The size creates a lot of dead areas, and it doesn’t flow for lack of better term. You drop walk until you hear gunfire and hope the team you’re trying to third doesn’t see you on the approach.
I miss the OG Kings Canyon days when everyone was just trying to get 1k kills with their fav character
I’m still not that good at playing, but it seem like I’m getting better..
I can average 600+ a game thing is I used to get 900+ when I first started playing. I guess it’s harder to do that now?
If anyone wanna run ranked feel free to add me. PSN: Eclasssy
Starting to grind the game again, in hopes to get masters.
I’m Gold 4 right now
found a good team only bad part is they are hard crutching on my IGL
"where are we going x24" before and after valk gets tiring but im glad that my IGL got us a dub and a half. 80 RP to gold 2
Newcastle is gonna be one of my new mains, he’s too good
Feel like they’re definitely gonna nerf the distance he can jump with his ult tho it is a bit much lol
Thought I’d never say this but damn it felt good playing on WE last night
Might be tied with SP for favorite map
Storm Point is ass because all the POIs are on the edges of the map like a f***ing pizza crust
Then u got a buncha filler with the prowler pits and extra bs