Never been a ranked person but I’ve been climbing steadily and it’s much better than pubs. Only thing that pisses me off is dumb teammates that would rather chase kills just to die to circle
this game is no good without a squad honestly, need to get one tbh
this game is no good without a squad honestly, need to get one tbh
Yeah this is a team oriented game at its core, I have some homies I be queuing up with but these guys are dumb as bricks too
this game is no good without a squad honestly, need to get one tbh
who do you main?
What’s y’all go to weapon combo?
G7 with 3x and a Volt is like Shaq and Kobe
i either go for a Wingman / EVA-8/Peacekeeper lineup or a Hemlock / EVA-8 one ideally
i like to run the Spitfire/Volt occasionally too, also used to love the Prowler
EVA-8 is a law as a secondary though
Yeah this is a team oriented game at its core, I have some homies I be queuing up with but these guys are dumb as bricks too
What’s y’all go to weapon combo?
G7 with 3x and a Volt is like Shaq and Kobe
G7 is so ass I hate that gun
Flatline or Spitfire all day
Mastiff or alternator
i either go for a Wingman / EVA-8/Peacekeeper lineup or a Hemlock / EVA-8 one ideally
Damn that’s a risky but rewarding combo I usually stay away from the shotties I can’t hit anything with them
G7 is so ass I hate that gun
Flatline or Spitfire all day
Mastiff or alternator
G7 got some woat iron sights but aside from that it’s straight imo
Flat n spitfire go hard tho fs
We need to talk about the garbage of a map called broken moon
The most popular poi in there don’t got any loot man
Damn that’s a risky but rewarding combo I usually stay away from the shotties I can’t hit anything with them
eh the EVA 8 is more forgiving with its spread and you can get multiple shots off, the Peacekeeper is the one that is risky as s*** and kinda ass on the low
usually take it if there’s absolutely no choice
G7 is so ass I hate that gun
Flatline or Spitfire all day
Mastiff or alternator
yeah the Mastiff is cool too
satisfying as s*** to pop someone with that thing
We need to talk about the garbage of a map called broken moon
The most popular poi in there don’t got any loot man
the map is horrible
they updated it and I feel like its worse.
if I drop out of the ship and I don't see f***ing pills or loot you know the map was designed poorly. At least maps like worlds edge, or kings canyon I know exactly what im getting into off drop
i like to run the Spitfire/Volt occasionally too, also used to love the Prowler
EVA-8 is a law as a secondary though
God damn you actually are dumb asf
yeah the Mastiff is cool too
satisfying as s*** to pop someone with that thing
Mastiff lmaoooooooooooooo
Whats the highest rank you been
the map is horrible
they updated it and I feel like its worse.
if I drop out of the ship and I don't see f***ing pills or loot you know the map was designed poorly. At least maps like worlds edge, or kings canyon I know exactly what im getting into off drop
map i actively despise is World’s Edge
Used to love this game, dont play it anymore tho.
My last main was Wattson
This is my favourite fps game, love the movement and gunplay
the map is horrible
they updated it and I feel like its worse.
if I drop out of the ship and I don't see f***ing pills or loot you know the map was designed poorly. At least maps like worlds edge, or kings canyon I know exactly what im getting into off drop
Hate everything about it, color, layout, poi’s, just a bland map straight up
Used to love this game, dont play it anymore tho.
My last main was Wattson
This is my favourite fps game, love the movement and gunplay
When’s the last time you played? I just got on again recently and I’m pleasantly surprised by everything that’s been added def the gold standard for shooter and movement.
When’s the last time you played? I just got on again recently and I’m pleasantly surprised by everything that’s been added def the gold standard for shooter and movement.
Thats nice, glad your enjoying it!
Probably been 1,5 years since I've played. I've been on and off since release, so I just have had my time with it and was ready to move on lol. Def agree on the gold standard statement