They really banned OP lmfao…
The moderation in this site kills me
Moderation on this site is killing the site
Someone do the scan on ops sun cover qr code
I wonder if anyone ever did it
I do not take or hold any responsibility for any potential dubious links
yeah, just leaving unannounced and posting pictures of some strangers house online instead of having a conversation with the person who hired you is the professional thing to do op 👍
This thread got ktt1 energy
Also ain’t OP the dude that said he tries to talk like Drake irl lmao
Drake in the studio or Drake when he does interviews? A very important distinction.
It had clothes in it. So y’all movers so I’m not expecting yall to understand that it’s too heavy.
:op lacking the common sense to move then empty
I see two lil tub things in the back. Why didn’t you just try to throw the clothes in there and take out all the drawers?
he lack common sense thats why
Tell me I ain’t wrong. The dude keep texting me now he saying he has to be out by Monday or sum s***. I ain’t worried he shouldn’t have been talking all that s*** when I was trying to work.
When you pay some $425 it’s your responsibility to respect them and not annoy them. That’s the risk you take when you pay half prior to the job.
Lmao I wasn’t gone respond but f*** it.
You ain’t a homeowner and as a privately contracted worker you don’t have a say on what I do with my phone. I take pictures so just in case a customer complains and tries to say I ain’t finish the job or something.
They don’t know I took pictures because I do it in private and it’s not any of their business for them to know what I got in my phone.
Also, they didn’t tell me about packing their belongings or moving furniture with clothes still in it, who does that? You trying to say I’m weird for pictures yet you don’t understand common courtesy not to annoy or harass a mover who’s trying to make your move easy. The dresser was too heavy, they were complaining, and so I offered the best solution by leaving.
harass a mover who’s trying to make your move easy. The dresser was too heavy, they were complaining, and so I offered the best solution by leaving. - howling
One of the KTT2 greats, up there with “Lol this is crazy. Ass in my face right now” and “Smashed a girl off reddit”.
op at the top of the stairs
This is weird. I’m saying that interacting with customers, but moreso the women, help me get over not having friends. It’s my social interaction so don’t try to say I’m a bad person.
hope you been able to be more social since this n make some friends/acquaintances my guy maybe try hobbies or social groups would help with this