Let me say something. F*** those animated covers. What's the point of an animated cover to begin with ? Mad artists spend a lot of time choosing the right cover for their album just for Apple and Spotify to have them jiggling and everything ?
They have to approve the animation I'd assume lol
apple music > spotify
They have to approve the animation I'd assume lol
Im gonna look it up cus I assumed as well. They usually look ass to me tho tbh
lol didn't spotify have the feature beforehand
Yeah, Spotify has had animated covers for a while now.
Get rid of that iPhone 6 then
Correct me if I’m wrong but my iPod from 2005 had cross fade
and also desktop has always had it
it’d be cooler if they made different animated covers for the now playing screen rather than just reusing the same ones for the album page
Let me say something. F*** those animated covers. What's the point of an animated cover to begin with ? Mad artists spend a lot of time choosing the right cover for their album just for Apple and Spotify to have them jiggling and everything ?
nothing crazy but i miss when they had the photo banners above for the high profile albums
Instrumentals built in too!
Click lyrics button, and the option to turn down vocals should pop up
thats karaoke
lol didn't spotify have the feature beforehand
Spotify would implement a lame feature first
i really dont get where these album gifs come from
i cant imagine every artist commisioning a new version of their old artwork like that
Instrumentals built in too!
Click lyrics button, and the option to turn down vocals should pop up
Only if it didn’t sound like s***