Drake being in everybody's top 5 or even top 1 is suspicious as hell (he's in mine too). @Impossible bro look at this s***
you got taylor, beatles, and elvis in there man lmfao
all goat artists dummy
you got taylor, beatles, and elvis in there man lmfao
Beatles are like counterculture 101 so I apart from them being an old band and white I don't really see the connection to conservatism lol
really all those examples actually have direct connections to progressive politics so I'm just not seeing it
Weezer made it into my top 5 with 666 listens and if that isnt a bad omen Idk what is
Beatles are like counterculture 101 so I apart from them being an old band and white I don't really see the connection to conservatism lol
really all those examples actually have direct connections to progressive politics so I'm just not seeing it
it’s a joke pa
Real AF for husker du goddamn. What's your favorite by them? I can never get enough of Zen Arcade
Oh my F***ING GOD someone else knows who they are i am freaking out rn
CHARTERED TRIPS on that album is my fav
Bro their whole discog slaps, my fav is probably Flip Your Wig but they are fr all great. Did you know Nirvana & Green Day were both heavily influenced by them?
Bob Mould is such a songwriter. His solo stuff & his stuff with his band Sugar slaps hard too
it’s a joke pa
I know it was a joke but like I don't love being associated with jan 6th you feel me lol
Oh my F***ING GOD someone else knows who they are i am freaking out rn
CHARTERED TRIPS on that album is my fav
Bro their whole discog slaps, my fav is probably Flip Your Wig but they are fr all great. Did you know Nirvana & Green Day were both heavily influenced by them?
Bob Mould is such a songwriter. His solo stuff & his stuff with his band Sugar slaps hard too
I knew Nirvana were but didn't know Green Day was I've not checked any Bob Mould solo stuff but I've meaning to at some point down the road.
I know it was a joke but like I don't love being associated with jan 6th you feel me lol
Heard you, my bad
I knew Nirvana were but didn't know Green Day was I've not checked any Bob Mould solo stuff but I've meaning to at some point down the road.
Yessir, they even covered Husker at an MTV show!
Bro, Bob Mould’s first solo album “Workbook” is amazing, the first four tracks are impeccable. It is very chill & relaxing, the opposite of Husker, he wanted to do something diff with his sound. The song “SEE A LIGHT LIGHT” is amazing.
And Sugar, listen to their first album “Copper Blue,” Bob Mould hits his peak as a songwriter & the hooks are just amazing. The song “GOOD IDEA” is so incredible!
One thing this got right my most played song
Cleo Sol - There Will Be No Crying
A nigga been going through it these last couple months
If u want his new sound then start with Shake It (On The Radar Freestyle) and work your way forward through release order of his singles and EPs
!https://youtube.com/watch?v=9kUmlIxfrDo&pp=ygUZd29sZmFjZWpvZXl5IG9uIHRoZSByYWRhcg%3D%3DIf you want his old sound listen to Home EP, In This Club, Miss Me, Moncler Coat and any of the other singles before Shake It dropped
!https://youtube.com/watch?v=4KBNmh6MPE8&pp=ygUSV29sZmFjZWpvZXl5IHNhYmxl!https://youtube.com/watch?v=J6CJHmAgfrk&pp=ygUYd29sZmFjZWpvZXl5IGFmdGVyIHRoZSBs!https://youtube.com/watch?v=byFreicfduo&pp=ygUWV29sZmFjZWpvZXl5IGhleSBoZWxsbw%3D%3DShake It changed his career and there’s a pretty clear divide between before and after. He’s such a good artist though his voice is incredible. Wouldn’t be surprised to see him working with artists like Smino and Tyler one day
damn didnt recognize the name.... but i have hey hello on my computer already cause of lil playah
ty broski <3 got me as always