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  • Sep 27, 2023

    Bruh every store in Philly got lotted

  • Sep 27, 2023

    Wage Theft does involve violence via economic vulnerability

    The difference between living in the hood and a nice part of town isn’t losing a few hours of overtime or lunch breaks.

    I swear you guys are unemployed and don’t go outside.

  • Sep 27, 2023

    I’d really hope no one is getting f***ed by their employer that bad

    Employers that steal deserve punishment too


    Bidenomics 101. Libs wanted to defend the police, now want them back to prevent looting

    this s*** happened bc ppl r mad that a cop got off scot free after shooting a guy at a traffic stop for basically no reason. if u look into it u will see it's pretty f***ed, like the cop had his gun drawn n sht before he even got to the car. police said dude in the car was aggressive and lunged at the officers but there's video evidence proving they lied abt that; the guy didn't do anything to justify getting shot. and even with the video evidence, the judge still decided to throw out all charges.

    More police is a stupid "solution" when the root of the problem is police murdering random civilians and getting away with it.

  • Sep 27, 2023

    i'm so dyslexic didnt even notice the title

  • Sep 27, 2023
    1 reply

    gonna actually be hilarious when all these big chains/corporations pull out of these 3rd world cities and they’re left with nothing but mom and pop shops to rob

    like yea steal from the big corps stick it to the man but how do u rationalize stealing from local businesses once all the chains have pulled out?

  • Sep 27, 2023

    Dam did OP have a stroke this typing title

  • Sep 27, 2023
    1 reply

    dude at my girls job today got his kia window broken into in broad daylight but the kia boy failed at the usb hack. we need 90s biden back

  • Sep 27, 2023

    That dumbass lady in uniform recording everything lol

  • hyphen

  • Sep 27, 2023

    They knew this was coming. There was posts going around the area planing it

  • Sep 27, 2023

    Every thread like this you’re always defending private property over actual people

    muh store! My liberal rules based society!

    he poured juice on a f***ing iphone ok dude this isnt a joke. societal collapse imminent

  • Sep 27, 2023

    They are literally comparing apples to oranges


  • Sep 27, 2023

    Bidenomics 101. Libs wanted to defend the police, now want them back to prevent looting

    yeah kids like @bh0stman @KayTray have no clue what they want lmao

    next election cycle will be interesting to say the least

  • Sep 27, 2023

    gonna actually be hilarious when all these big chains/corporations pull out of these 3rd world cities and they’re left with nothing but mom and pop shops to rob

    like yea steal from the big corps stick it to the man but how do u rationalize stealing from local businesses once all the chains have pulled out?

    calling Philly a "3rd world city" is hilarious

  • Sep 27, 2023

    dude at my girls job today got his kia window broken into in broad daylight but the kia boy failed at the usb hack. we need 90s biden back

  • Sep 27, 2023

    Bum activities

  • Sep 27, 2023


  • Sep 27, 2023

    F***ing idiots

    Give them all 10 years in prison imo


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