i was an art history nerd in college and i think applyin any of this european bullshit to f***ing hip hop is dumb as s***
Why’s that? The literal eras are defined mainly by Eurocentric sensibilities, but I don’t think the concepts are exclusive. It’s probably reductive to say “x is post modern and y is classic” but I think you can make an argument that a lot of hip hop coming out in early 2010s was postmodern by definition, even if the musicians themselves weren’t aiming for that.
i was an art history nerd in college and i think applyin any of this european bullshit to f***ing hip hop is dumb as s***
This kind of thread is the s*** I was talking about the other day in the André thread.
i was an art history nerd in college and i think applyin any of this european bullshit to f***ing hip hop is dumb as s***
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Normal Music: Posthyperpop, posthypernormalization, posttrap and getting to 00