hella sketchy
if we can take anything from this appreciate everyday that ur favorite artist is alive (if they are) never take the fact they are able to produce music for granted
Ngl i blindly hate as a joke but even that kind of rubs me the wrong way now. we gotta stop hating on s*** so much and uplift the people we think deserve more than they do or yeah just have more appreciation in general
Ngl i blindly hate as a joke but even that kind of rubs me the wrong way now. we gotta stop hating on s*** so much and uplift the people we think deserve more than they do or yeah just have more appreciation in general
weirdo behavior
Ngl i blindly hate as a joke but even that kind of rubs me the wrong way now. we gotta stop hating on s*** so much and uplift the people we think deserve more than they do or yeah just have more appreciation in general
That's weird my guy.
I appreciate every1 i listen 2
Ngl i blindly hate as a joke but even that kind of rubs me the wrong way now. we gotta stop hating on s*** so much and uplift the people we think deserve more than they do or yeah just have more appreciation in general
I agree man. I really f***ing hated juice wrld tho
What did I say
I think it was the “blindly hate” part. I do the same thing tho so it’s whatever to me.
I think it was the “blindly hate” part. I do the same thing tho so it’s whatever to me.
I thought so lmao its not even that serious though I just talk s*** in rock music threads is what i meant
i don't miss people like X, but i don't want to disrespect more.
Just saying that not every artist deserves to be cherished.
Imagine cherishing GG Allen
Ngl i blindly hate as a joke but even that kind of rubs me the wrong way now. we gotta stop hating on s*** so much and uplift the people we think deserve more than they do or yeah just have more appreciation in general
Trust, bro. The blissful times of being new and exciting and non-threatening are over. There are real people suffering thru issues based around their own misery and frustrations and their reaction to it all is being taken out on those that threaten their bubble. Anyone that disrupts the feeling of the world revolving around them. Kobe ended his career with an entire campaign about how much people hate him. What a way to have to exit. To feel like I was too good that even in my farewell we have to address the years you spent hating me for it. Just don't let it make you bitter. Please. I am happy despite waking up every day and someone new flipping on me or talking down. And I have grown to the point that revenge makes me happy because my revenge isn't malicious, it's warranted.