lowkey I thought that Queen maybe being dead thread shut the site down
I feel you man
Don’t know how I would handle my depression if I didn’t have a place to vent or talk to like minded people who share the same interests as me
Legit love you guys man
I feel you man
Don’t know how I would handle my depression if I didn’t have a place to vent or talk to like minded people who share the same interests as me
Legit love you guys man
Love you my man, you got this s***
idk site was down for a while
I figured it was Donda hype I ain’t look too deep into it usually if it’s somdtbinf serious Scott hit my line
I didnt know what to do when it went down
lowkey I thought that Queen maybe being dead thread shut the site down
i wish she still alive 😒
if the site goes down it usually means kanye is releasing something, personally i'd take the option for G&G to be there ready to use than fresh kanye material but each to their own