”i had a good conversation with somebody about the struggle of sequencing. this person told me, if every song has a purpose for its position then you can't question it. i decided to give this tracklist a listen without just the musical ideas, but with exact purpose for each song. not just what i say or how it sounds, but how it makes me feel, i think my songs' true meaning lies in the final order. i'm not changing it. this is it. and this is why. oh yeah, for a reason that may or may not be explained in this next novel you may decide to go read after looking over this prologue. the whole album's theme is birds. we will use that in every aspect. more on that later. first, enjoy... finally a method to the madness by yours truly: malcolm james xavier samuel meyers mccormick. p.s i'm faded so some word choice may need retouching or fixing. hopefully i wrote what i was thinking correctly. hmm funny how difficult that is... shouldn't we all be able to write exactly how we are feeling down on paper. is the education system to blame? save that for my political angry rap album. anyways, that paragraph was pointless. i just wanted to create more reading for u cuz i am a horrible person. but actually read the next part”
Secret message on the inside of Mac Miller's "Watching Movies With the Sound Off" Digipak album.
Anyone know what they were doing in these pics? Some ppl say it was a star wars skit and some ppl say it was a p***o. I know they’re from 2008.
might start drinking beer now. kidney stones scare tf outta anyone else, or is that just me?