carti and uzi stay ripping cigs these days, not to mention I've seen so many more smokers around my campus as of late. if you check the stats, there's definitely been an increase, but idk how much of that is just post-covid rebound. do u think cigarettes are cool again?
they never quit looking cool tbh
they also never quit being nasty as f*** and incredibly unhealthy either but yeah
bring back cigarettes so i can stop watching guys in front of me at the store asking for a blue raspberry supremo yummy mega blast to suck on
No, I literally don't know a single person that smokes cigarettes regularly, outside of people I know in Europe
If I found a good hemp or cbd brand I would def smoke fake cigs
Drunk cigs are powerful but I hate smoking actual tobacco
If you’re a grown adult smoking cigs because of Carti or Uzi you need your ass beat
carti reinvented
u should smoke cigs because you picked up an unhealthly coping and relaxtion habit at 20!!! not because ur favorite rapper smokes them now
Do you go outside lol no two celebrities smoking cigs don’t mean it’s back in style
“Cigarettes are a great and beautiful civilizing tool and one of America’s proudest contributions to the world”
@PhilipMorris influence