My will is gonna state to cremate me.
More expensive than you think
The cheapest burial option is an undecorated, plain rectangle pine box in an unmarked grave.
That costs about $2000
More expensive than you think
The cheapest burial option is an undecorated, plain rectangle pine box in an unmarked grave.
That costs about $2000
I won't be having a cremation casket.
I won't be having a cremation casket.
They gonna throw you on the grill and pop some cold ones?
They gonna throw you on the grill and pop some cold ones?
Whatever saves the fam the most money
I won't be having a cremation casket.
Cremation alone cost more than the burial i described
its expensive to die
Nah but actually
You could toss me out back into a dumpster for all I care. Use that money on something useful.
Cremation alone cost more than the burial i described
The National Funeral Directors Association’s (NFDA) most recent survey of costs for funerals and cremations estimates the median cost of a funeral with burial to be around $9,420 and the median cost of a funeral with viewing and cremation to be about $6,970. In both cases, however, certain choices will increase the expenses.
Take away the cremation casket, you remove at least a $1000 of expenses.
where they gonna put your ashes then? in a plastic bag?
where they gonna put your ashes then? in a plastic bag?
You can buy an urn for $30.
After my sister passed, we cremated her, as she had told a few of us that god forbid anything ever happened then that’s what she would want.
My family and I ended up going to London this past Christmas and New Years, and we celebrated her there since it was her favorite place to live and work when she was here.
We still gave her a proper sendoff and scattered her ashes in a very beautiful memorial garden at a funeral home there.
It was a moment that I will never forget, and I believe she would be happy with it. I miss her very much.
My dad straight up told me “you could bury me in the backyard for all i care im gonna be dead anyway”
Crazy how people are flipping tombstone placements out here worked with a guy that made a gang of money of that lmao
A lot of places you only have lease burial plots too. So 100 years later they put someone else in it.
I wld leave it to the discretion of whoever is taking care of my death proceedings ig
Like whatever they feel is easier or more economic or whatever arbitrary thing they value
I am ok w
Ill be dead what do i care