  • Feb 21

    lmk what you think in the coments belw

  • Feb 21

    I think if you said “celebrities” you would get a far greater proportion of celebrities who are/where attractive than just rich people

    By saying saying people you need to define “rich” and if it’s no wide a range, then that means it’s an easy no

  • Feb 21
    1 reply

    Most of my clients are hedge fund portfolio managers and are incredibly average looking people

    They’ll always be neat and well put together but aren’t naturally so good looking

    Depends on how they’re rich/why thehre rich I think

    People who became rich off of career success are just normal but smart/hard working people, albeit most of the time coming from households who were relatively well off already

    But for example in other cases, I’ve never seen an ugly Los Angeles Persian — they all come from families who were the elites under the Shah Iranian regime. Very materialistic people and nepo babies who tend to prioritize appearance and status over everything.

  • Feb 21

    Nah if I was rich I'm getting all the looks boosting stuff and a personal chef to cook me healthy meals all the time f*** you mean 😂

    They better look good

  • Feb 21

    yes, warren buffet a baddie

  • Feb 21
    2 replies

    bad thread, dumb question

  • Feb 21

    bad thread, dumb question

  • Feb 21
    2 replies

    They all have ugly hearts

  • Feb 21
    1 reply

    idk about most but being attractive opens a lot of doors

  • soapmanwun

    idk about most but being attractive opens a lot of doors

    not speaking from experience

  • Money enables access to a better lifestyle and that translates to hella things like wellness and s***

  • Look at Forbes top billionaires then come back to this thread lil bro

  • Snowboy

    bad thread, dumb question

    I love you

  • Feb 22
    1 reply

    Depends on who they are, what they value/care about, and what field/line of work they became rich in

  • Remember, you’re not ugly.. you’re just poor

  • Sextetrazzini the hottest new rapper out


    Depends on who they are, what they value/care about, and what field/line of work they became rich in

    most attractive and least attrative fields?

  • Feb 22
    Bird Boy

    Most of my clients are hedge fund portfolio managers and are incredibly average looking people

    They’ll always be neat and well put together but aren’t naturally so good looking

    Depends on how they’re rich/why thehre rich I think

    People who became rich off of career success are just normal but smart/hard working people, albeit most of the time coming from households who were relatively well off already

    But for example in other cases, I’ve never seen an ugly Los Angeles Persian — they all come from families who were the elites under the Shah Iranian regime. Very materialistic people and nepo babies who tend to prioritize appearance and status over everything.

  • Yes. When I went to a big 10 college, it was full of preppy suburban girls and each one was finer than the last. S*** was unbelievable.

    Also there's levels and exceptions to it ofc. Like for example, I'm a pmf that came from poverty.

  • Feb 22

    “Ain’t no such thing as an ugly billionaire, I’m cute”

  • Yes

  • Nah
    But I think the children might look cute, cause the parents, most likely dad ended up with a pretty gold digger

  • If suggest maybe most rich folks be charismatic tho which might make their overall attraction levels higher

  • idk prolly