  • Oct 10, 2020

    niggas really coming out the closet with their stereotypes like this?

    Its not a negative one
    That's a gift for someone to have a vertical like Nate's

  • Oct 10, 2020
    2 replies

    I’m short (5’9”) and I’ve never been rejected because of my height

    Idk how it is for 5’5”-5’7” guys but it can’t be that much different

  • Height matter in the real world to some but not as much as the internet would like for you to think. I’ve been rejected before because I’m tall, by the internet standards I should have 1000 girls because I’m so tall, and I’ve seen short dudes with some bad women that’s around their height or a little taller. It’s really your mouth piece that matter the most. At the end of the day being tall/short doesn’t mean too much.

  • Oct 10, 2020
    1 reply

    Then you got mf like this who probably ugly as hell irl so they put disproportionate value on their height lol. Goes both ways

    Yeah I’m ugly, but at least I’m not a angry manlet.

    Plus my face to high up in the air for the b****es to see clearly, so it don’t even matter.

  • Oct 10, 2020

    Nothing more adorable then holding up a men’s size small jacket. That shot really do make me laugh.

  • Oct 10, 2020
    bobby j

    I’m short (5’9”) and I’ve never been rejected because of my height

    Idk how it is for 5’5”-5’7” guys but it can’t be that much different

    5’9 isn’t short

  • Oct 10, 2020

    Short d*** men maybe

  • Oct 10, 2020

    When girls ask you for you're height. You should ask them what's there weight.

  • Oct 10, 2020
    1 reply

    OP your situation is just preference not discrimination, but generally yes they are. Women will preach body positivity but constantly chastise men for their height/dick size, horrible double standard.


    5’10 BUT?? I don’t understand y’all man 🤦‍♂️

    im sorry i realize now that im very blessed brother

  • Oct 10, 2020
    2 replies

    What is the height for the average male? I feel like niggas get taller with every generation.

    If you’re not at least taller than your father you got screwed.

    As for the question in OP. I think women when they look for who they want to date think about s*** like how good your genetics would be for your children. And a short nigga is strike one.

  • Oct 11, 2020

    also most short people should focus on improving themselves instead of being worried about what women think of them tbh

  • Oct 11, 2020
    1 reply

    OP your situation is just preference not discrimination, but generally yes they are. Women will preach body positivity but constantly chastise men for their height/dick size, horrible double standard.

    I wouldn’t say it’s a double standard....Kinda goes both ways, niggas prefer shorter girls than them in general, consequently this leads tall girls to get potentially s***ted on and masculinized HEAVILY throughout grade school and beyond (although to a more implicit extent) especially if she’s black. Just like it may not be uncommon to hear about short guys getting booted for their height, it is not out of the ordinary for a tall girl to be rejected or made fun of by a guy shorter than him due to a physical parameter she has absolutely no control over.

    It’s painted a pretty s*** situation both ways

  • Oct 11, 2020
    2 replies

    Height supremacy is on the rise

  • Oct 11, 2020

    If this helps you, I’m getting married in about 2 weeks and my fiancé is an inch taller than me

    & she’s gorgeous

    don’t lose hope

  • Oct 11, 2020
    1 reply

    What is the height for the average male? I feel like niggas get taller with every generation.

    If you’re not at least taller than your father you got screwed.

    As for the question in OP. I think women when they look for who they want to date think about s*** like how good your genetics would be for your children. And a short nigga is strike one.

    I’m 5 11 my dad 6 4

  • Oct 11, 2020


  • Oct 11, 2020

    Ah, I see this is the thread where niggas come to blame their genetics for their shortcomings. Here we go again

  • Oct 11, 2020

    I wouldn’t say it’s a double standard....Kinda goes both ways, niggas prefer shorter girls than them in general, consequently this leads tall girls to get potentially s***ted on and masculinized HEAVILY throughout grade school and beyond (although to a more implicit extent) especially if she’s black. Just like it may not be uncommon to hear about short guys getting booted for their height, it is not out of the ordinary for a tall girl to be rejected or made fun of by a guy shorter than him due to a physical parameter she has absolutely no control over.

    It’s painted a pretty s*** situation both ways

    Great avi

  • bobby j

    I’m short (5’9”) and I’ve never been rejected because of my height

    Idk how it is for 5’5”-5’7” guys but it can’t be that much different

    Yes you have. You just don’t know it.

  • Oct 11, 2020
    1 reply

    What is the height for the average male? I feel like niggas get taller with every generation.

    If you’re not at least taller than your father you got screwed.

    As for the question in OP. I think women when they look for who they want to date think about s*** like how good your genetics would be for your children. And a short nigga is strike one.

    the average height in the US is 5'9, the average worldwide is 5'6.

  • Oct 11, 2020
    1 reply

    idk why these threads get made. I feel like it's folk that just don't go outside that feel discriminated against cause of their height.

    I'm sure it happens, but who cares? If a girl doesn't want to date you because of your height, she wasn't right for you in the first place. there's folk out there stricken with the worst possible conditions imaginable and you're sobbing about your height? come on lol

    i can understand if you're like 5 foot or something, but there's some that are 5'6-5'9 and whining about being ""short"".

  • Oct 11, 2020
    1 reply

    idk why these threads get made. I feel like it's folk that just don't go outside that feel discriminated against cause of their height.

    I'm sure it happens, but who cares? If a girl doesn't want to date you because of your height, she wasn't right for you in the first place. there's folk out there stricken with the worst possible conditions imaginable and you're sobbing about your height? come on lol

    i can understand if you're like 5 foot or something, but there's some that are 5'6-5'9 and whining about being ""short"".

    I do agree with you completely but where do we draw the line? I see dark skinned women complain about men choosing to pursue lighter skinned women and I see see fat women complaining when men choose to pursue women that aren’t fat.

    Why aren’t men afforded the opportunity to be upset about the opposite sex’s dating preferences, like women are?

  • Oct 11, 2020
    1 reply

    I do agree with you completely but where do we draw the line? I see dark skinned women complain about men choosing to pursue lighter skinned women and I see see fat women complaining when men choose to pursue women that aren’t fat.

    Why aren’t men afforded the opportunity to be upset about the opposite sex’s dating preferences, like women are?

    at the end of the day, it's your preference, and if anyone is chastising you on your preference, you should ignore that person. the folk who s*** on short people are probably insecure themselves, so you shouldn't really pay them any mind.

    ex: I don't date overweight women because I just do not find them attractive. folk can s*** on me all they want, but that's how it is. when we get to skin tone and race it gets a little iffy, but I'm not about to enter into critical race theory.

    i'm like 5'7. it's average. I don't dwell on it, cause I got what I got and the only thing is to move forward. you can be upset as much as you want, but complaining's going to do nothing at the end of the day.

  • Oct 11, 2020

    at the end of the day, it's your preference, and if anyone is chastising you on your preference, you should ignore that person. the folk who s*** on short people are probably insecure themselves, so you shouldn't really pay them any mind.

    ex: I don't date overweight women because I just do not find them attractive. folk can s*** on me all they want, but that's how it is. when we get to skin tone and race it gets a little iffy, but I'm not about to enter into critical race theory.

    i'm like 5'7. it's average. I don't dwell on it, cause I got what I got and the only thing is to move forward. you can be upset as much as you want, but complaining's going to do nothing at the end of the day.

    Man the way I see it is, whining about your genes and blaming them on your shortcomings is just a waste of time and energy really, what good does it do constantly whining about something you can’t change? Not only it goes for height but anything about your body that’s set

    The stoicism principle goes like, try not to be a slave to the outside forces you can’t control and only focus on what you are able to control. Be proactive not reactive
