  • Nov 18, 2021

    It doesn’t seem fair at all to give a catch all yes or no answer. Depends on the business/product and values of the owner. Among other things.

  • Nov 18, 2021


    Support local you scab

  • Nov 18, 2021
    2 replies

    No only buy from mega corporations so that you can keep complaining about how mega corporations monopolize everything

  • Nov 18, 2021

    depends on what they sell and their reputation amongst the local population

  • Nov 18, 2021

    It doesn’t seem fair at all to give a catch all yes or no answer. Depends on the business/product and values of the owner. Among other things.

    exactly this. it completely depends what you’re looking for, so many small businesses offer products and/or services that you won’t find anywhere else, the volume is too high to just chalk this up as a yes or no question

  • Nov 18, 2021
    2 replies

    no most small business ventures exploit their friends to make money especially the social media based start ups

  • Nov 18, 2021

    I always give small businesses a chance. Most end up disappointing tho

  • kainie 🌌
    Nov 18, 2021


  • lil ufo 🛸
    Nov 18, 2021

    depends on the business, food yes, always (like local farmers)

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Nov 18, 2021

    Why are people saying no

  • CKL TML 🌺
    Nov 18, 2021
    math fifty

    No only buy from mega corporations so that you can keep complaining about how mega corporations monopolize everything

  • Nov 18, 2021


    I'll always give a small business a chance, but if the service is s***, I'm out.

  • Nov 18, 2021
    math fifty

    No only buy from mega corporations so that you can keep complaining about how mega corporations monopolize everything

  • Nov 18, 2021

    would rather support local every single time (except some clothes niggas round here put anything on a tee)

  • Nov 18, 2021

    Way better than buying from corporations

  • Nov 19, 2021

    If they have good prices on things you like why not? 🤷

  • Nov 19, 2021
    1 reply

    no most small business ventures exploit their friends to make money especially the social media based start ups

    As opposed to big corporations exploiting anything and everyone they can?

  • Nov 19, 2021

    Lotta bootlicker energy in this thread boy I tell ya. Y’all need to do better, you niggas is not all that

  • Nov 19, 2021
    1 reply

    As opposed to big corporations exploiting anything and everyone they can?

    big corporations usually get big by being better value which is like the polar opposite to exploitation

    then you get megan the independent business woman selling key rings on socials for extortionate prices but get ya money i guess

  • Nov 19, 2021

    no most small business ventures exploit their friends to make money especially the social media based start ups

    exploiting the word “exploit” in order to exploit people’s performative morality

  • Nov 19, 2021

    big corporations usually get big by being better value which is like the polar opposite to exploitation

    then you get megan the independent business woman selling key rings on socials for extortionate prices but get ya money i guess

    Not true. A classic case on how this isnt true is companies banding together to have damn near the same s***ty products be the same value (oligopolies). Light bulb companies around the globe famously stopped making their light bulbs better in favor of this to get more return. You also have companies buying out other companies and securing patents that were developed with public sector money and jacking up the price for said item and even toting said thing as if it they came up with the idea. There is also tax avoidance, worker exploitation, union busting, environmental desecration, etc that big companies get away with. Some even funding coups, influencing politicians to push for war for corporate interests among other s*** I don't have time to type out

  • Nov 19, 2021

    Yes, support your local businesses!