We all know some boomers that have stayed married and stuck together all their lives. Some of them just stayed together out of convenience but many seemed like they had a genuine love for each other. It doesn't feel like our generation is experiencing the same thing anymore. Connections are becoming more fleeting, divorce rates are rising, and virgin adults are becoming more common.
Is love dead?
What's the point
Don't you want to find love and spend the rest of your life with someone?
Don't you want to find love and spend the rest of your life with someone?
a lot
a lot
When all your goals are fulfilled, won't you want a life-long partner to send your retirement days with?
nah that s*** dead get your bread up and have fun to make memories and new connections. every thing in life comes and goes anyways
a lot of boomers stayed together because spousal abuse was more common, so let’s not look back on that with rose-tinted glasses
Yea most ppl gonna die alone
People are actually getting married in their later years nowadays and making it last longer statistically
But even in the "good old days" s*** has always been rocky outside of the wife os my property era
just know that ktt2 user plants out here defying the odds with love on love
Idk bout y’all but imma find me a lil honey bun I can die beside
You gotta go to the right circles. Modern young Americans are dog s*** tho.
just know that ktt2 user plants out here defying the odds with love on love
I’m trying to get like you
I’m trying to get like you
you gonna get there I kno it
When all your goals are fulfilled, won't you want a life-long partner to send your retirement days with?
maybe the life long partner was the friends we made along the way
I personally can't imagine being alone. I would rather want a wife and family but that's just me tho. I see that in my later years.
No it’s just harder to find a quality match. Attractive women have never had as much access to validation as they do now so they’re never looking for a long term relationship because it means giving up the constant male attention from instagram and tinder.