He’s hasn’t been even close to the Kanye I was a fan of in a long ass time
Musically or otherwise
His shoes were cool tho
One of the most beautiful and flawed humans/artists to live, yes I am still a fan.
keepin it a stack i havent listened to his catalogue much since he had manson and dababy on that stage
Unless Kanye becomes a serial killer a serial rapist or a cult leader that commits mass murder his music always revered and his genius will always be respected
I don’t agree with his views and I think he says and does a lot of stupid s*** but really when it comes down to it all he really ever did was ruffle some feathers and challenge social norms
People act like he killed somebody
“ruffle some feathers and challenge social norms” is not how most non-Nazis would describe praising Hitler and endorsing racists, rapists, homophobes, and abusers, but you might be the exception?