Its always funny when people say stuff like this bc why the hell did u stay so long
y’all expect me 2 stop listening 2 music that i’ve loved 4 a majority of my life?
f*** kanye the person but the music will 4ever be in rotation
One of the most beautiful and flawed humans/artists to live, yes I am still a fan.
100% agree, I can’t think of another public figure who is more authentic and embodies the human condition so well…from his talent to his hypocrisy.
He made CD, LR, Grad, 808s, MBDTF, TLOP, WTT
Edit: Yeezus too, how could I forget
I feel like if I stopped that would make me a complete and utter p**** ass nigga
Never really been a massive fan of his music, but his personal life wouldn’t stop me playing his music or change my opinion on it. Kids these days wanna be PC police so f***ing bad