So what’s the verdict on separating artists from their work?
Can you still enjoy body of work of an artist that has done or said something bad?
It becomes harder when the content of the art is about the artist.
Like, if he’s still on his I’m so misunderstood s*** with the next release it’s gonna be hard to stomach
I mean it does stand for that, but it not being a site catered around him anymore is factual obviously
@s does it stand for that?
dude is a piece of s*** with a veeery overrated discography.
He needs 100 people to help him with his albums, he uses ghostwriters, his rapping is lazy, his features since 2015 are absolutely terrible and pathetic and don't get me started on how bad of a human he is.
F*** this overrated pos
I'm a fan of Kanye the artist. Always will be.
But, as a person, he's pretty ignorant and insufferable.
dude is a piece of s*** with a veeery overrated discography.
He needs 100 people to help him with his albums, he uses ghostwriters, his rapping is lazy, his features since 2015 are absolutely terrible and pathetic and don't get me started on how bad of a human he is.
F*** this overrated pos
You're entitled to your opinion but can you name 5 rappers who's discography are better than Kanye's 2004-2013 run?
I legit can't think of a better 9 year run. Even Outkast's 1999-2003 output only consisted of 5 projects.
You're entitled to your opinion but can you name 5 rappers who's discography are better than Kanye's 2004-2013 run?
I legit can't think of a better 9 year run. Even Outkast's 1999-2003 output only consisted of 5 projects.
Jay Z
Lil Wayne
Ariana Grande
ask any staff on this site if “ktt2” stands for “kanyetothe2”, everyone will tell you no lol
gotta be delusional to still believe this is a kanye fansite in the year 2023 of the Gregorian calendar
shut the f*** up
Jay Z
Lil Wayne
Ariana Grande
Yeah....gotta disagree.
It's all subjective though.
Wayne is my personal GOAT but even I can admit that his solo albums were never his strong points as an artist.
He made CD, LR, Grad, 808s, MBDTF, TLOP, WTT
Edit: Yeezus too, how could I forget
Idgaf about this thread but your top 70 album is the best I've ever seen, our top 30 is nearly identical this is unexpected and amazing. Thank you for existing