  • Dec 6, 2020
    4 replies

    They’re just listing iconic artists, influential would mean they change the sound of music. In terms of how albums are approached and technology is used to affect the sonics of music, these guys have the biggest footprints in my mind. No particular order

    1. Beatles - superstars truly crafting albums/phases. Huge effect on all the greats from mj to Bowie to kanye

    2. King Tubby - Dub has such a huge influence with how much it utilized bass-boosting and delay as the main textures. All modern music should thank the king

    3. Stevie Wonder - just chords good god. Prince, Pharrell, tyler, frank, all owe a lot to the man

    4. Afrika Bambata - one of several artists to popularize sampling in beats, but also brought up early greats like tribe, jungle bros, etc.

    5. Phil Collins - created the 80s sound w the gated reverb snare right at the top of the decade. Fr all 80s and early 90s used this exact drum sound.

    6. Biggie - changed how rappers flowed, but I’m willing to give this to someone else if anyone has an idea. edit: some other people recommended rakim for this one

    7. Tpain - made autotune what it is honestly. Direct line from tpain to kanye to drake to every single artist out rn.

  • rvi 🐸
    Dec 6, 2020
    1 reply

    who did eminem, madonna, or elvis influence?

    madonna influenced literally every pop girl

  • TheGarden

    who did eminem, madonna, or elvis influence?

    Madonna influenced a lot of female artists in the mainstream

  • Dec 6, 2020
    1 reply

    madonna influenced literally every pop girl

    so did Janet and whitney houston

  • Dec 6, 2020
    Ignore me

    smh CLEARLY you guys don’t know real music

  • Dec 6, 2020
    1 reply
    frank 2022
    · edited

    They’re just listing iconic artists, influential would mean they change the sound of music. In terms of how albums are approached and technology is used to affect the sonics of music, these guys have the biggest footprints in my mind. No particular order

    1. Beatles - superstars truly crafting albums/phases. Huge effect on all the greats from mj to Bowie to kanye

    2. King Tubby - Dub has such a huge influence with how much it utilized bass-boosting and delay as the main textures. All modern music should thank the king

    3. Stevie Wonder - just chords good god. Prince, Pharrell, tyler, frank, all owe a lot to the man

    4. Afrika Bambata - one of several artists to popularize sampling in beats, but also brought up early greats like tribe, jungle bros, etc.

    5. Phil Collins - created the 80s sound w the gated reverb snare right at the top of the decade. Fr all 80s and early 90s used this exact drum sound.

    6. Biggie - changed how rappers flowed, but I’m willing to give this to someone else if anyone has an idea. edit: some other people recommended rakim for this one

    7. Tpain - made autotune what it is honestly. Direct line from tpain to kanye to drake to every single artist out rn.

  • Dec 6, 2020
    frank 2022
    · edited

    They’re just listing iconic artists, influential would mean they change the sound of music. In terms of how albums are approached and technology is used to affect the sonics of music, these guys have the biggest footprints in my mind. No particular order

    1. Beatles - superstars truly crafting albums/phases. Huge effect on all the greats from mj to Bowie to kanye

    2. King Tubby - Dub has such a huge influence with how much it utilized bass-boosting and delay as the main textures. All modern music should thank the king

    3. Stevie Wonder - just chords good god. Prince, Pharrell, tyler, frank, all owe a lot to the man

    4. Afrika Bambata - one of several artists to popularize sampling in beats, but also brought up early greats like tribe, jungle bros, etc.

    5. Phil Collins - created the 80s sound w the gated reverb snare right at the top of the decade. Fr all 80s and early 90s used this exact drum sound.

    6. Biggie - changed how rappers flowed, but I’m willing to give this to someone else if anyone has an idea. edit: some other people recommended rakim for this one

    7. Tpain - made autotune what it is honestly. Direct line from tpain to kanye to drake to every single artist out rn.

    rakim def a better choice than biggie (I slightly prefer kane tho)

  • Dec 6, 2020
    3 replies

    Dude inspired white people to rap, dudes to to be edgy and dudes to rap fast woop de f***ing doo man

  • Dec 6, 2020


  • Dec 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Twitter warriors always going after Elvis

  • Dec 6, 2020

    i probably like little richard better but he didnt make the good cheesy style pop s*** like this



  • gay4frank

    Dude inspired white people to rap, dudes to to be edgy and dudes to rap fast woop de f***ing doo man

    Eminem isn’t top 30 most influential but let’s not act like he isn’t influential at all

    He influenced your fav

  • Dec 6, 2020

    9 times outta 10 “influential” is used interchangeably for status, so I don’t put any stock in him saying this is literally the most influential list

    But if I am to entertain this list - hell no these aren’t the top five most influential lmao (for one James Brown should be there, and Janet and Mariah have more clear influence on female artists than Madonna, not to mention Em is nowhere near being the most influential rapper of all time)

    - BRAVE

  • Dec 6, 2020

    Dude inspired white people to rap, dudes to to be edgy and dudes to rap fast woop de f***ing doo man

    Nah this is cap. Eminem inspired Kendrick, Cole, Nicki, Drake, Tyler, Earl, etc. honestly you can probably add like 10 more prominent names to that list.

    I don’t even like em anymore but he’s def one of the most influential rappers of all time

  • Dec 6, 2020

    Twitter warriors always going after Elvis

    By their logic, Led Zeppelin is under the same notion of being white man copying the black man

  • Dec 6, 2020
    2 replies

    niggas i know em is influential but to put him over every other rapper ever is just dumb especially in todays era

  • Dec 6, 2020

    niggas i know em is influential but to put him over every other rapper ever is just dumb especially in todays era

    No it’s not

    Eminem literally influenced the way Kanye west PRODUCES

    You just didn’t know. The fact you keep tryna deny him is some hating s***

  • Dec 6, 2020

    lol what? no spaceghostpurrp?

  • Dec 6, 2020
    1 reply

    Kanye West

    this guy has creepily hated on kanye for years

    he's said some awful things about him

  • Dec 6, 2020
    2 replies
