About a few times itt we proved @op wrong
You posted kid and play gramps you need to stop How is their hairstyle more iconic when they didn’t even reach half the height of his peak of fame or influence on general
yall wasn’t outside
Wiz deadass responsible for some of the worst fashion trends of the 2010s lmaooo
Hood baby ass swag
Will Smiths Flat Top
About a few times itt we proved @op wrong
Yeah Wayne dreads were iconic but there’s other styles that came along that niggas rocked with harder, and that’s ok.
Whoever made the colorful/dyed dreads pop off did their s*** too. Future, Durk?
Oh yeah this is definitely it
To this day I call anyone with a bleached buzz cut slim shady
Wiz deadass responsible for some of the worst fashion trends of the 2010s lmaooo
Hood baby ass swag
that camo shorts/chucks combo had my whole school in a chokehold
yall wasn’t outside
this had such a lasting and profound effect on mixed kids named Jaden (all spellings)