F*** no unless I offer due to it being her birthday or something. The audacity that hoe has though..
its 2021, we splitting the bill.
im never straight up paying for anyone's meals drinks unless they friends or family
Her acting like this I know her and the dude not cool. I’m not paying for your friend that I know don’t like me
i remember being the only one working in my friend group, spotting drinks every week
now they working and i'm not, they spot me. s*** came back around
Polite answer: Yes, but won’t make it a pattern. Wouldn’t want to split bill over something so trivial.
Acceptable answer: As adults, I should really only be responsible for paying for my partner and not her friends
Real answer: HELL NO unless them b****es coming back to the crib with us
As a twitter user since 09 it hurt to see what happened to the platform. Now I don’t miss the edgy s*** but I miss when it was just all jokes and had some type of woke s*** sprinkled here and there. Nowadays everyone is just complaining about s*** and creating stupid arguments like the one in op. Twitter fell off big time once Facebook users got hip.
She was going to pay for her own food if he wasn’t there so I really don’t see the issue.
If me and my girl happen to invite her along then I’d pay for all of us.
She put her twitter on private
But if i know them well enough then yeah for like an occasion or we invited them or sumn
I pay for myself and my wife or kid.
Why would I go to a restaurant with people and expect them to pay.
F*** off